Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Hetarth Patel

Drip, drip.

My nose scrunched up as I felt some liquid hit my forehead, I wiped it off and rolled over onto my side. I could hear Blade’s soft snore, and I smiled, my eyes still closed. Last night was the best night of my life- we didn’t do anything, somehow I think he sensed it was too early. He just held me in bed while I slowly drifted off to sleep. My heart flipped over. Best New Years Ever.


Another spat, but this time right on my cheek.

What the fuck is that?! I wiped my cheek with the palm of my hand, and opened my eyes to look at it.

It was red, and a faint metallic smell reached my nose. My stomach lurched, and I couldn’t scream, my heart had felt like it stopped in my throat. My eyes were widened and I was just staring at the smear on my hand.

Suddenly, I could hear my heart beating fast in my throat. It was as if my brain clicked into motion again. I slowly turned my head toward the ceiling. And then it happened, what was supposed to as soon as I saw blood.

I screamed. My voice reverberating on the walls, making my own ears ache. Arms wrapped around me and I screamed again. Only this time my piercing wale was stopped by a hand being clamped against my mouth.

“Shhh, baby it’s me calm down,” Blade said soothingly. But something about his voice was tight, and his muscles were tense around me. I looked back at him, but he wasn’t looking at me- he was looking up at the words. When he looked back down at me I saw that his irises were a dark purple, on the verge of being black- almost like he was furious.

My lip quivered, and the grip on me immediately relaxed, and he bent down and kissed me on my forehead. Without says another word he slipped one arm under my knees and the other round my waist and picked me up off the bed away from the words that seemed to be permanently etched into my cornea.

The words that didn’t even make sense. The words that were written in blood as if it was paint.

The door slammed open, and Ari stepped inside, his face serious, all the humour and usual cheeriness gone. The others were behind him, Sapphire and Jake lagging at the back, looking pale. Saph immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

“What happened? Shaun woke me up- he said he heard you scream,” Saph said looking concerned.

I gulped, raising my shaky hand towards my room, gesturing at the ceiling. Under normal circumstances I would have mocked her for being so blind- but this… This was far from normal…

“Oh my God, is that BLOOD?!” Jake half screamed, as he peered into my room.

My stomach lurched at the word, and with that, I was emptying my stomach contents into the vase beside my door.

So much for a wonderful start to the New Year, I thought bitterly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Blade was immediately at my side, supporting me as I got up off the floor. It was then I realized that I was wearing his t-shirt. My cheeks reddened slightly.

My brain was starting to function properly- clearly.

“I think we should call the police,” I said softly to him.

Blade chewed his lip, “It was probably just some pranksters love, I think its just better if we just forget about it.”

“Yeah, pranksters who somehow in the dead of night wrote on my ceiling while you and I were asleep, in what I hope to assume is animal blood,” I said slightly coldly.

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