Chapter 25

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It was thirty seconds till midnight.

The moon was at its peak in the pasture that I was at. The borders were surrounded by trees. Layla had instructed me to wear an old pair of track pants and an old t-shirt too. Something I didn’t mind loosing. I had an extra pair of clothes in the ruck sack that I brought along with me. Blade and Jason were the only ones in human form; the others were as werewolves in a circle around us.

 Fifteen seconds.

My heart started to beat faster. I looked at Jason as I started to hyperventilate. He brought his hands up to his chest as he breathed in and back down as he breathed out, I followed. The cool air felt strange against my skin.

Five seconds.

“Don’t force the change back,” Blade quickly warned, “The more you hold back, the more the change with hurt.”

With those words I felt my back bend automatically; to an angle I couldn’t help but fall on the floor, all fours. I panted; I felt this rippling through my spine. My shoulders popped out of their sockets – that’s when the real pain began. It was surreal – white hot. Each limb started bending, changing – I wanted to scream, but at this point I was too afraid to open my mouth.

But... It was a howl instead.

I was on my side panting, my heart thudded against my chest, which was equally painful. A wolf stood before me, power emanating from him. I knew it was Blade. I tried to get up, it was too difficult to move.

I felt Blade's paw on mine. He dug his nails into me and scratched down. I yelped as I felt the blood spill from me. But then he cut his paw with his other, and placed it on mine, and the pain was gone, and voices filled my head.


"Cara, are you okay?"

"Can you hear us?"

"Baby girl?"

The others went quiet, as they knew Blade had spoken.

"Yes?" I spoke in my mind tentatively. Hoping that this was the mind link that I was told about and not me going crazy.

"Welcome to the Nightstone pack," he congratulated happily, "Rise."

It was automatic, I struggled to my feet, feeling my joints a little pressured under the strain.

"Let's run."

He set off first and I followed trying to keep up. As I saw my paws before me, I saw I was white, pure white, and I suddenly wondered what the rest of me looked like.

We had reached the woods, and everyone scattered into different directions.

"Meet back at the pasture in half an hour," Blade ordered.

I felt the air rush through my fur. The movement felt automatic, almost... Natural. I could feel my muscles working, and I was going at break-neck speed.

I felt a wolf running along side of me. I stopped suddenly, and stared, as it stopped a few feet ahead of me. The wolf's aroma hit me hard, and I found myself stalking toward it - him.

Before I could go any closer. He jumped high over me, and he went in the opposite direction. I rushed after him, trying to come to his speed, but he was too fast. We were nearing the pasture now, and he grabbed a ruck-sack in his mouth and gave me a look. I found mine which was still near the middle of the field and rushed back to more private changing space.

The transformation back felt more natural. Blade had pre-prepared me for this. I was to think of myself in human form and to push myself towards it. It was still a little hard, and I found myself laying on the soft grass of the forest breathing hard. I put on my extra set of clothes in lightning speed.

I walked through the woods, following the scent that made my mind feel unreadable. The problem was it felt like it was coming from everywhere.

Where are you? I thought frustrated.

Behind you. A voice whispered back. I turned around quickly - there was nothing there.

Oops I meant the other way. He said again. I turned - nothing.

I felt arms circle around me, and kisses down my neck that scorched their path. You're too slow - little wolf.

It's you! I exclaimed looking back at Jason.

It's you! He mocked, still feathering kisses everywhere he could.

Are you always going to be this condescending? I asked frustrated.

Are you always going to be so blonde? He asked back. I thought you would have guessed we were mates days ago.

I... I trailed away. His light blue eyes bore into mine - as if he was looking into my soul.

You're so beautiful. He cooed, stroking my hair, still talking through our mind link.

What- what does my wolf like? I asked hesitantly.

It's almost completely white - you have a black patch here. He traced the area from my forehead, and around my ears. I've never seen anything like it, he admired.

He held me in his arms, so tenderly, I could feel myself tearing up. So this is forever? I half asked, gingerly.

No, he replied, it's for eternity.

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