viii. i was in the shadows

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Days has passed after my last encounter with Taehyung and the last time I stepped out in the light. Call me dramatic, but it was like I was meant to be in the dark- a shadow that follows people around then eventually disappears because some light has erased me.

I felt stupid thinking that he really wanted to have breakfast with me or how happy I was when I receive a text from him really early for once and where he starts the conversation.

That makes me want to jump off a building or do a boxing round against John Cena.

So here I was, drinking the day away. What was the use of the day anyways despite giving light? The world was originally dark anyways. We were here first, the shadows.

Just like I was the one who fucking liked Taehyung first.

Yes, I liked him first. I told Hyunri and she knows about it, until I noticed her being flirty with him and eventually they ended up being together. I was mad at her but she had a talk with me and my dumbass said it was fine.

What would have happened if I said no? What would happen if I just honestly told her that it was not fine and it's a pretty dick move?

What if I tell her what me and Tae-

My phone rang. I groan and reach for it, checking who was calling me at 8 am. Jimin.

He was trying to contact me nonstop but I couldn't be bothered. It started from receiving texts then receiving even more texts, by this point he was already spamming me, and now it had evolved to calling.

"Jimin, can you stop contacting me and leave me alone?" I tried to compress my anger.

"Not until I get my coat." Jimin said through the phone.

"I'll give it to you next time okay?"

"Too bad, I'm already at your door."

"What-" I was interrupted by someone knocking. I wobbled my way through the door and opened it. And there he was- Jimin.

Jimin took a step back in shock, "Holy shit, I thought it was a zombie! I was ready to do the tricks I learned from the Walking Dead! But it was just you!" he teased.

I roll my eyes and tried to close the door but he stopped it, my drunken state is not able to withstand his strength.

Oh if I was sober I would have this little bean sent to the hospital cause his arm would have been broken.

"I was just kidding!" he defended himself, "Can I come in? Please?"

"Ugh- fi-fine! Just come in." I said in annoyance and welcomed him to my home which was fucked up because of how- well how do I explain this in the most educational way?

Fucked up in the morning and partying out at night.

"This does not look too good." Jimin said as he looked around the place.

I scratch my head, "Yeah, I'm not too good either. Want a drink?" I said as I offered him a half finished bottle of whiskey.

Jimin declined the offer, "Uhhh...."


"What happened to my coat?" he pointed to the floor where his brown coat was covered in puke.

I immediately sobered up.

"Shit!" I curse to myself and picked his coat up from the floor, "I'm so sorry! I'll clean this up- no! Better yet, I'll buy you a new one!"

Jimin giggled, "That would not be necessary, instead I have a better deal that does not involve any cleaning or money."

"And that is?"

"Go out on a date with me? I'll pay for everything, of course."

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