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Arthur held his son on his lap. Baby Merlin's--Mer, for short--nurse had her own children to care for, and the meeting was only with Leon, Elyan, Lancelot, Gwaine, and Percival, each of whom acted like another uncle to the baby. Except for Gwaine. He seemed slightly hostile, but Arthur hadn't gotten around to talking to him about it yet. He would've thought that Gwaine would be the first one to love the infant.

In any case, Mer was sleeping, his tiny little baby-mouth suckling in his dreams, and all the knights but Gwaine and Percival were assembled, as they had been for twenty minutes already. Either Gwaine was passed-out drunk and Percival was having a hard time finding him, or they had been delayed.

"We'll start without them," Arthur said, keeping his voice quiet so as not to wake up Mer. "The druid clan on our southern border have sent us a missive, asking to meet with me. Their chieftain will be there, and the letter states that they want a peace treaty."

"They've been hostile since before your father's reign, sire," Leon, ever the voice of reason, said. "It could be a trap."

Arthur nodded, doing his best to take it seriously. They were still struggling with magicians and sorcerers, but with Morgana gone, nothing seemed quite as dangerous or dark. Camelot was truly entering a time of peace.

An excellent place to raise his son and watch him grow into a worthy prince.

He just wished that Merlin could see the child that they had named after him. The land that his sacrifice had created. He felt as though he had never really known Merlin until those last few moments, when he saw so clearly who his friend truly was.

Even for all the power Merlin had possessed, he was still kind and good.

Arthur only hoped he could be half the man Merlin had been, and be an example for his son to look up to.

"It could be. We'll take only a small group of knights, and you, Elyan, will stay behind to guard the city." Not to mention spending some time with his new bride. Elyan nodded. "And we'll be careful. This is a chance that we can't pass up. Making peace with them would lead all the other druid clans-"

He broke off as the door slammed open and Percival stumbled in. The knights all leapt to their feet, and Mer woke up with a whimper.

"What's wrong?" Arthur demanded.

Percival leaned forward, catching his breath. "Gwaine... Merlin..."

Arthur handed off the baby to Lancelot, striding over to where Percival was gasping for breath, as though he'd run the way here. "Where is Gwaine?"

"Gaius," Percival shook his head, taking a deep breath and straightening. "He's fine. Merlin..." He paused. "He's back, my lord."

For a second, everything seemed to pause. Even Mer's awakening wails fell silent as Arthur stared at him.

Merlin was dead.

He had held him as he died, feeling his pulse fluttering and then stopping entirely.

Yes, Merlin's body had disappeared by some strange force of magic or something, but...

"What are you talking about?" Arthur demanded harshly. "He's dead."

"We found him on the road, walking towards the city. He's wounded, and won't speak to us, but he's back." Percival obviously believed what he was saying... unless Gwaine had convinced him to have a few pints with him, or he'd fallen off his horse, it had to be true.

Arthur ran from the throne room.

By the clattering of shoes on the floor he knew his knights were following him. He burst into Gaius's chambers.

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