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Jessica was lying down and keeping her breathing controlled. Her heart rate was everywhere at this point.

The unexpected pregnancy, the possibility of having a child. Everything was coming at her at once. 

"What am I going to do?" Jessica groaned as she looked down at her stomach. Then she gasped.


The angel was there in a blink of an eye.

"Is it happening?! Are u going into labor?! It's too soon?!"

Jessica smiled as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

"No, silly, I felt it kick." She held out her hand for the angel to take. "Come feel."

Castiel slowly placed his hand into Jessica's outstretched one and let her drag him towards her. Jessica then placed his hand onto her stomach and watched his face change from a confused look to a happy smile.

"See! It kicked!"

Castiel chuckled.

"You're getting close, we just have to put our hope in the boys now."

"Yeah," Jessica sighed. "We do."


Dean parked his Impala outside of a small diner called "Threes".

"You think Jess is doing alright?" Sam asked.

Dean nodded his head as he felt his phone buzz.

He reached into his pocket and looked at the text from Jess.

Jess: felt it kick!

Dean: wow, Really?!

Jess: yep! Cas even felt it too. You should've seen the look on his face!

"Everything alright there?" Sam asked as he stared at his smiling brother.

"Yeah, yeah. Jess said she felt the baby kick."

"Wow, already? That's awesome Dean, but now that means we don't have much time."

"You're right, we gotta find whatever or whoever did this to Jess and put a stop to them."

"But hopefully the baby gets to stay once we fix it."

"Hey," Sam snapped Dean out of his thoughts. "You alright?"

Dean nodded his head. "Yeah. Come on."

He walked forward and into the diner.


Jessica was having difficulty walking to her room. The baby was still growing at an alarming rate.

Why did this have to happen? Why her, of all people.

"Jess?" Castiel appeared around the corner. "What are you doing walking around? The baby could—"

Jessica lurched forward and a loud splashing noise could be heard.

"Oh god." Jessica breathed.

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