4. Wow you've got forever marks

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You have so much to grateful for, even if you don't think it.


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"Cami you are impossible to buy for," Drew groans as we stroll down the isles of the supermarket.
He wasn't wrong. I'm not even vegan or anything like that I'm just really fussy. Plus I'm on a relatively strict diet so it cuts out a lot of foods.

After over 40 minutes of searching for foods we finally had enough to last at least a few days. We nearly made it to the tills before a few girls stopped us.
"Omg hi Cami," one of the gushes while the other two stand behind her, shuffling from side to side.
"Hey guys," I say with a wide smile while Drew gives me an amused smile.
"We're such fans, I love you," another says.
"Aw thank you so much."
"Could we get a photo?"

"I can take it," Drew offers putting down our basket of food.
He gives me a quick smile before snapping a few photos of me and the girls.
"Thank you," they chorus before scuttling away.
"I'm going to need to get used to this whenever I'm with you aren't I," Drew dramatically huffs while I jokingly put my arm around him to console him.
"I'll take photos with you so you aren't left out," I kid as he laughs.

We continue bantering along as I pay for my food and go back to my car. I'd insisted on driving since he mouthed off before we left about being a better driver than me.
I noticed a few people taking photos of us getting into my car, making me internally roll my eyes hoping they didn't sell or post the photos anywhere. Yes it's weird that people want to see me stepping into a car but, people are weird.

We dropped off my bags at the flat then headed to set. I wasn't acting till tomorrow but they wanted to practise my makeup for tomorrow and double check a few outfits. Drew and I sang as loud as we could to his playlist that he deemed the, "greatest creation in existence."

"I swear to god your trailer is bigger than mine," Drew pouts. Our trailers were next to each other so we were just hanging out in mine till we were called to makeup.
"You are eyes are fucked then Drew," I laugh as he gives me the middle finger.
My door swings open before he can complain and JD steps into the room.

"Sorry forgot to knock," he chuckles awkwardly. "But makeup is wanting you two to go next."
I stretch my arms standing up from my couch and pull Drew out of chair.
"Jesus your trailer is massive by the way," JD exclaims making my laugh and shake my head, while Drew goes into a rant about me not believing him.

"Okay so do you have any tattoos, so we can get an estimate of how long it'll take to cover them?" Sarah, head of makeup, asks me. She'd just finished removing my practise makeup for tomorrow which was very glowy and beachy but still natural.
"Yeah I've got a few. Some probably won't need covered, obviously just depending on what I'm wearing but a few definitely will," I answer.
I had a few tattoos, all small. I grew up thinking I was never going to get any but after my first one I immediately wanted to get more. Pete was right about them being addicting. I knew I couldn't get many though because of acting which sucked.

Sarah set about covering my sun, which had writing across it, placed near my elbow. It was one of my favourite tattoos, inked in red, but I didn't like thinking about it. It had memories attached to it. Next she covered the small daisy, nearly never visible on the back of my neck, which was dedicated to my adoptive mother. Daisy being her name.

"So are all your tattoos around this size or smaller?" She asks.
"Yeah pretty much," I reply.
"Okay that fine, I've got an idea of how long they'll take to cover," she smiled.
"Sarah what am I here for?" Drew pipes up from a bean bag in the corner. He's been sitting on his phone the sending me funny videos the whole time, even though he could have just showed me them.
"Eh I don't know Drew why are you here?" She replies.

"What, JD told me to come here too," he says confused as I laugh at his disappointment.
"Oh must be a mistake, we didn't actually need you today," Sarah says making an apologetic face before swiftly leaving before Drew can say anything back.

We head back to my trailer and bump into Mads and Rudy on the way, who had been finalising their wardrobe.
"So do you have any tattoos Drew?" I ask as we all sit down on the couches in my trailer.
"No, I've never really thought about getting them to be honest," he shrugs pushing strands of his hair away from his face. "What other ones do you have?"

"Oh yeah didn't you get more since I've last seen you," Madelyn says.
"Yeah I did get a couple actually."
I explain briefly the ones I already had since Drew and Rudy wanted to know. I went over the butterfly, inked in purple on my side, the date of my parents death on my hip and the heather on my right pinky.
"So let's see the new ones," Mads grins excitedly.

I hold my left hand over to them and show the half moon on my middle finger.
"Aw cute," she smiles.
"Yeah nothing too special but Pete did it," I say to their surprised faces.
"Ah no way," Rudy gapes. "I'll get him to tattoo me one day," he laughs.
"I don't think Elaine would rate that very much," Drew pats his back.

"What's the other one?" Mads asks.
I groan, "I have to get my foot out for this one." I take the shoe and sock off my right foot to display a tattoo that says, 'P.S. I love you.' Then slightly lower down, the word 'forever.'
I couldn't help but laugh a little at their faces as they tried to not judge the way it was written. It wasn't spelt incorrectly or messy, just not like usual written tattoos.

"It's written in Pete's handwriting," I add making their faces relax.
"That's adorable," Mads gushes. I'd filled her in a little more on Pete and I at breakfast but she still didn't know much about our relationship. I could tell she was dying to know more and I promised her we'd have a girly can't soon, since I wanted to know more about Chase and her.

"That's such a cool idea," Rudy says looking closer at the tattoo.
I see Drew frown for a moment before returning to his usual face. "Wow so you guys are pretty serious then," he says more stating than a question.
"I mean it's only a tattoo but we'll see I guess."

1 month ago

"Are you sure about this Cam?" Pete asks me raising his brows. His hand intertwined with mine as his thumb stroked the back of my hand. I looked down at outline of the tattoo on my foot. A smile crept onto my face as I looked at it.
"I've very sure Pete," I answer gently kissing his lips.

"Okay then on you go mate," he said to the tattoo artist/ his friend.
Pete held my hand the whole time, not because it hurt that much, just because he wanted to. 
"Shit that looks sick," he exclaims, looking at the finished product.
"Ah I love it," I grin. Having it written in his handwriting was so special. It was perfect.

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