I am so sorry

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He finally achieved happiness. He was living in New Rome with his beautiful wife and his two sons away from all the quests and monsters. But Percy knew it wouldn't last. He knew the second the giant stormed his house while his kids were away at school and Annabeth was working on a new project. He hated himself. He didn't want to leave his family. But before he can even try to pull out Riptide, the giant striked. Everything went dark. Annabeth walked into the house expecting her husband to be starting dinner but she was greeted in the worst way possible. Percy lying on the ground, he wasn't moving. "Noooooo!!" She knew that basically everyone had heard her. She didn't care. Her Seaweed Brain was lying dead on the floor. As if her luck couldn't be worst, Luke and Charlie ran in with concerned looks that immediately filled with sadness. "Dad?"

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