Okay, I'm mad

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I'll be honest, I don't know most of these couples, but I do know Damon and Elena. I am pissed. Who the fuck looks at percabeth and thinks "wow! This reminds me of Delena!" I think the fuck not. I personally believe that Damon is a horrible person. He has no morals (i know he turned off his humanity) and he literally STOLE Elena from Stefan. DO NOT get be started on Elena, that bitch. She was a decent person in the first couple of seasons, then she because a vampire, then her personality went to shit. While her and Damon were having the summer of their stupid immortal lives, STEFAN WAS DROWNING IN A FUCKING LAKE!! She's a bitch, worse than Katherine. She only cares about herself and when Stefan died, fuck I wish I could punch her. The bitch went "Where's Damon?" MOTHERFUCKER!! Caroline on the other hand, I feel so bad. I wouldn't mind if the  person compared Percabeth to Steroline.

thank you for listening to my rant

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