At least he didn't kill them

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Will and Nico were walking down the streets of Manhattan when Nico felt something off. He looked across the street to see a couple sitting at a table outside of a coffee place. Will noticed Nico's unease. "What are you looking at?" Nico looked at him with a serious expression. "I sense death." He looked back at the couple to see that two other people had sat down with them. "Wait, is that Percy and Annabeth?" Will looked at where Nico was pointing. "Yeah, I think so." Nico pulled Will to the weird couple that smelled like death and Percy and Annabeth. The blond guy said something to Annabeth and she looked at Nico and Will. "Oh hey, guys! Magnus, Alex, these are my friends, Nico and Will!" Will waved while Nico just glared. "Um, is he alright?" The blond guy said and Nico answered. "Why do you smell like death?" The guy seemed surprised by the question. But the kid next to him, Alex, leaned forward to look at Nico and Will. "That probably because we died." After a long explanation, and Will having to hold Nico back. Magnus had told Nico why he and Alex smelled like death, and that they were demigods too. Just not the Greek or Roman kind.

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