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Okay, so, some people say that Nico or Jason are the most powerful demigods. Sure, Nico can control the dead, and Jason is the son of Jupiter. But what about Percy? He had barely any training before his first quest. He's been to the Underworld more than most demigods. He literally fought a god, not just any god, the God of War. When he was twelve. And think about this, when he fought Jason in Kansas. He matched Jason's skill, maybe he was better, we'll never know. But sure, Percy is like a year or two older, but Jason had a lot more training. That just show how powerful Percy is. Jason has been training since he was like two, Percy had like five year. PLUS! Percy only trained in the summer. Let's not forget that when he was in tartarus, he literally controlled poison. Yes, it was kinda scary, but it still proves how powerful this son of Poseidon is.

p.s. this is just my own personal opinion, if you disagree, i really don't care, just like you shouldn't care about my opinion.


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