Hades is a mood

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Will was nervous. He couldn't help but pace around his cabin. Nico had planned an iris message meeting with Hades to tell him about them dating. Suddenly Nico ran into the room with a small smile on his face. Which was rare for anyone to see except for Will, Nico only smiles when something bad happens to someone. Or on rare occasions where he is actually happy. "Time to talk to my dad! You ready?" Will just stared. "No!" Will's voice squeaked and this just made Nico laugh. Nico pulled Will out of Cabin Seven and headed towards Cabin Thirteen. "You'll be fine, stop whining." They walked in to the cabin, the windows were open so they could make a rainbow. Will stopped and Nico stared at him. "He's not going to kill you or anything. At least I think so." Will rolled his eyes. "How reassuring." Nico threw a drachma into a little rainbow that formed. "O goddess accept my offering. Show me Hades." The image swirled to show the king of the underworld lying horizontally on his throne. It looked like he didn't see them. "I'm soooo aloooone!" It took all their will power to not laugh and alert Hades of their presence. "Dad?" Hades jumped and looked at them. "What are you doing? Can't I have my privacy?" Will was trying not to look nervous but he was failing. "Dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Will." He pushed Will in view. "Oh thank the gods! It's not Jackson or Grace! I love him already. I just need to know one thing, how long were you here?" Nico laughed. "We got to see how you cope with Persephone being gone." His face said everything, he knew what we saw. Hades quickly tried to compose himself and wiped away the iris message. "That was not what I expected."

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