Obey Me Quotes

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just a fancy title for another meme chapter-


Bird, concerned: Isn't it a bit too hot to be wearing your jacket, Mammon?

Mammon, sweating: I look rad.

Bird: You look sick.

Mammon, literally having a heatstroke: Yeah, sick as f*ck-


-Accepting Nao into RAD-

Luci, reading her form, thinking: Hm. Yes. She has a criminal record of arson, theft, and murder, and is a powerful being from the Yokai dimension with the ability to raise the dead. Let's choose her for our peaceful exchange program, what can POSSIBLY go wrong??-

Diavolo in all seriousness: She looks nice :D-


Nao: *Flops onto her bed at 3AM* ...one day. I will FIGHT God.

Her Siri: I'm not sure how to help you with that.

Nao: pFT- same bitch- *wheEZE-*


Bird, tired: Yes.

Satan: Are you okay, Bird?

Bird: Yes.

Satan: ...say a different word, Bird.

Bird: E-yes.

Satan: F*ck you I knew you would do that-


Bird: ...you don't have a single thought behind those eyes, do you?

Mammon: *Quietly shakes his head-*


Nao: "If you're straight then why did you say she was hot" bITCH I'm straight, not bl I N D -

Kirika: One time a nun at my school saw a hot guy and said, "Wow God did a nice job on that one" and we all just looked at her in confusion and she just said, "I'm allowed to look at the menu, I just can't order"-


Bird: 9 hours of studying and I can't remember my own name but I can remember how to kill a man with a toothbrush so there's that.

Solomon: ...wh...what kind of classes are you taking??

Bird: I'm a forensic criminologist. Our slogan is, "Can't run fast enough to be a serial killer so I'll just help the police catch them"-


Nao in the human realm, with a Yokai friend: I'm getting fast food with my AcTivIst friend, and he didn't get me a f*cking straw.

*Stares at him for a second*

Nao: Do that sh!t again, and I will personally go to the ocean and strangle a turtle myself. Do it again b!tch, dO IT AGAIN-


-Kid/elementary school AU-

*Gets called on*


Bird, quietly: I have the bravery of a chicken nugget please don't make me answer-


Nao, stuck in the human realm: I am going to commit so many war crimes after being released from this ethereal prison-


Levi spouting movie/game theories: Anakin Skywalker does not use Jedi mind tricks. Not once in the films. Do you think that's a coincidence? Not on your life buddy. Anakin Skywalker does not have it in him to overrule another being's free will.

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