Xena V Zeliah

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Context: Every 50 years, a championship is held between the most powerful living Mystics.

This championship consists of normally around 20 Mystics. Through duels, battles, and tests to show how strong they really are, the contestants are cut down until there's only two left.

The last Mystic standing is crowned the strongest.

Final Contestants:

-Xena Hamilton-Lawless, AKA Sunbeam, the most powerful Mystic.

-Zeliah Taylor, AKA Dingo.


Round 1.


Xena wasn't worried. Not in the slightest. After all, she held the title of most powerful Mystic ever since she was merely ten. However, she had been hearing things about this new Zeliah girl, so she decided to participate anyways.

So here she was, minutes before the gates opened, nonchalantly tying her long hair back into a braid. She could hear the audience chatting away outside, though their voices were hushed. Grabbing her sword, she simply waited for the gate to open.

The loud screeching of iron and wood lifting and gears churning caused the audience to quiet down. The feline Mystic walked out calmly, her opponent trotting out almost excitedly.

Zeliah wore a tan and amber mask, shaped like a dingo, with a dark red hoodie on. Belts and sashes decorated her waist and legs, and on her left arm she carried a small shield with a fire print carved into it. Her right hand carried a huge battle axe.

Xena simply wore a tan tank-top and black jeans, with combat boots and her jacket tied around her waist. What was visible of Zeliah's eyes squinted a bit, as if she was grinning under that dingo mask, throwing her axe up and over her shoulder. They stopped around ten feet from each other, Xena drawing her sword in front of her and digging the tip of the blade into the dirt, awaiting the referee's call.

Mere seconds after the referee rang the bell, Zeliah pounced. Xena threw her sword up into a fighting position, lunging. In a split second, the fight had begun.

Xena swung first, golden blade clashing with the blade of the axe. The sword bounced off, and Zeliah jumped back. The blonde attacked in a flurry of swings and spins, barely missing every time. The sword suddenly swung into Zeliah's shield, making a crack, while the other Mystic raised her axe to swing back.

Xena's pale green eyes widened and she launched back. Dust flew up as the heel of her boot dug into the ground, keeping her from falling over. Her eyes narrowed, before abruptly kicking her sword by the handle, causing it to launch up into the air and rip the shield from Zeliah's grasp. In a split second, the blonde had dropped low and swung her leg into the brunette's ankles, throwing her to the ground.

Zeliah grunted as she hit the ground, then looked up. Xena caught the sword (which had been falling back down), assuming a battle position and swinging straight at the other Mystic.

Luckily, Zeliah was able to grab her shield, pushing backwards and doing a quick handstand and backflip, landing in a squatting position. She summoned her axe to her hand, but not before Xena sent an abrupt current of golden energy straight for her, almost like a whip.

Before Zeliah could even register that the line of energy had grabbed her by the arm, she was sent flying up into the air. She was a blur, adrenaline rushing and fear coursing through her veins, as her struggling only got her more tangled. Xena cracked a smile, showing abnormally sharp fangs, before drawing her sword and going to attack while her opponent was distracted.

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