Nether AU Triple Threat

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I've been procrastinating on doing their designs for a while now-

But here's Triple Threat in my Minecraft Nether AU-

(Without cool effects)

Alyx:(Without cool effects)

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(With the cool effects. I sorta got carried away-)

Species: Nether Hound (shapeshifter)

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Species: Nether Hound (shapeshifter)

Rank: Alpha.

-Super strength.

-Super speed.

-Lava saliva (basically lava can drip out of his mouth. He can control it, because I mean...come on, having lava pour from your mouth 24/7 is kinda annoying.)

-Fire resistance/lava vision. (Can see clearly if he's under lava/fire res kinda speaks for itself-)

-Burning spines. (Can eject/throw the lava spikes from his back and regrow them instantly on command.)

-High durability. (Can take a lot of hits before he gets affected.)

Stats (1-50):
Strength: 49
Speed: 45
Strategy: 5
Intelligence: 48
Intimidation: 48

-Selective mutism. (Can speak, but doesn't a majority of the time. Only talks to his sisters, which is rare on its own.)
-Water urticaria. (Allergy to water. It's not fatal, but he will get hives/rashes if he comes in contact with water in any way, regardless of temperature.)

Personality: Alyx is very calm and introverted, keeping to himself and avoiding social interaction whenever he can. However, he is pretty friendly if he's forced to meet someone. Somehow he also gets into a lot of fights? Besides that, he's highly protective, especially of his sisters, and can get extremely violent if angered.

-He can't feel anything in his hands and back paws. I imagine Netherrack is pretty hot, so he got so used to walking and standing on it that it just fried his nerve endings, and now he's numb to it.

-He doesn't like hugs or cuddles. Mainly since he doesn't want to harm anybody; his spikes are extremely hot and can leave horrible burns if touched. He's extremely touch-starved because of this, but he doesn't care as long as he doesn't hurt anybody he loves.

-He's actually physically super warm. His blood is a lava-like substance that radiates heat, so if you're cold, just lean on him-



Species: Half-human, half-Nether serpent

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Species: Half-human, half-Nether serpent.

Rank: N/A. Nether serpents are lone creatures, they aren't seen in packs.


-Fire resistance (slightly weaker than Alyx's. She can't stay in lava or fire for too long or else it will start to hurt her.)

-Body temperature (she can manipulate and control her body temperature no matter how hot or cold it is.)

-Poisonous spit (can shoot venom from her jaws like a snake, her reach is about 6-7 feet away)

-Gecko Pads (can climb on walls and ceilings with no problem)

-Leaping (can jump five times her own height- 29 feet)

Stats (1-50):
Strength: 34
Speed: 46
Strategy: 12
Intelligence: 47
Intimidation: 10

Disorders: N/A.

Personality: Surprisingly calmer than her normal version, and kind of a mom? However, she's also cunning, tricky, and manipulative. She only uses her manipulation ability for good though. She's still extremely blunt and overly honest, but somehow can work well with other people and often helps whenever she can. In a battle, she's someone you really don't want to mess with.


-Bela's right horn was snapped off in a fight with a piglin, in which he grabbed her by the horns while she was distracted. When she fought back, he broke her horn. It doesn't hurt her anymore though.

-She can swim in water, as long as it isn't too cold.

-She's the potion-brewer and strategic fighter of the trio, usually coming up with new potion ideas, battle plans, etc.

-She's extremely overprotective when it comes to Bellatrix. If you hurt Bellatrix, Bela will hunt you down.

-Her hair used to be really long, but it kept getting in the way when she fought or tried to make anything so she ended up chopping most of it off with her dagger. Sometimes she puts it into a low ponytail or messy bun if it gets longer and she doesn't have her knife or time to cut it.




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Species: Nether Hound.

Rank: Puppy.


-Fire resistance.

(That's literally it-
Because she's still a puppy, she hasn't even fully developed her lava spikes yet, much less her other powers-)

Stats (1-50):
Strength: 10
Speed: 15
Strategy: 1
Intelligence: 18
Intimidation: 0


-Water urticara. (Allergy to water.)

Personality: Honestly still the exact same- wholesome, pure sweetheart-


-Because she's the most vulnerable of the trio, she tends to run away rather than fight.

-She's extremely clumsy- she can trip over her own feet just by standing still-
Does that count as a special ability-


And that's it tbh-

Bai hope you enjoyed-

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