Criminal Minds- Spencer Reid's Diary

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to criminal minds and I do not take credit for the idea which is criminal minds.

Chapter 1- New Girl

Today a new girl joined the BAU. I can't really call her "new" beacuse she did work in this unit many times before this one. Her name is Alison. She is really pretty. Of course I would never tell her because I would be afraid of how she would react to me and I would never ask if she was single or dating beacuse I don't want her to think I am invading her personal life. But I do think she is really pretty.

We also had another surprise today, when Hotch called everyone into the Case Room, we had a visitor there. It was Gideon. I was so shocked. We hadn't seen him in 2 years. I, and all of my team, thought he was never goning to set foot in this building again or come back, even for a visit. So of course I went over to him.

Apparently, Alison brought him with her because the two of them are really good friends. Nice to know someone on our team has AMAZING connections. He told us that he wasn't staying long, that he just popped in for a visit. He talked for a while with Rossi, and they got on great and then I remembered that they worked together for years.

So anyway, Gideon went home and Hotch or JJ didn't have a case for us today so Hotch told us to work on the work load he had given everyone. I started on mine and then I noticed that Alison was talking to Hotch and pointing at me. Prentiss and Morgan noticed this aswell and Morgan started joking saying 'I was in trouble' I just dismissed it thinking she was just trying to figure out who everyone on the team was.

Straight after she finished with Hotch, she went into her office ( yes she gets her own office, while we are stuck in the bullpen), and Hotch came over to me and said she wanted to talk to me in private. He said he would take care of my work load and to straight to her office. So I went staight in and we sat down and talked alot about me. She told me she needed me for a special case and that we would need to be leaving soon. She told me to go grab my go-bag and meet her on the jet in 15 mins.

So I went to get my bag and as I was down by my desk Strauss walked in and started shouting "Who has booked the jet for only two agents? You know the rules. Well whoever it is, your trip is cancelled." Just then Alison appeared at her door and stood against the door frame all casual and said " That would be me, Erin. And I won't be cancelling my trip." and Strauss just stood there with a scared look on her face and just said "OK then, but don't make a habit of it", and Alison replied with "I will use it as much as I like, thank you very much!!". By this point Hotch had appeared at his door to see what was going on and just looked at Alison and she gave him a very smug look and grabbed her bag and walked through the bullpen and to the elevator.

The whole team just looked shocked because no-one had ever talked to Chief Strauss like that. Ever. She was one of the most feared women in the whole FBI. And then the questions about what Alison said to me in her office started. I just said she asked alot about me and told me to grab my go-bag and meet her on the jet.

 Write again soon,

Spencer xx

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