Chapter 11- Jealousy

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Chapter 11: Jealousy

Today was.....Interesting. Yea you could call it that. So it all started when we went into work. Alison went in ahead because I dropped her off at the door, she had alot of case files and so did I but she shoudn't have to walk as far as me. I am a true gentleman. So anyway I went around back to park as I usually do when I spotted a car that is never there. I mean NEVER. I know all the cars that are here and this is not one of them. I ignored it and got my case files and went inside.

It has been 1 week since we were in New York and told our friends. We plan to go to Nevada to visit my mother and tell her the news. She should approve because she really likes Alison and already knows her. So anyway I went inside and did my usual routine. Dropped my case files off at my desk, went to the kitchen, grabbed mine and Alison's coffee and headed up to her office. We always do this now. I don't even think about it anymore.

So I dropped off her coffee and we sat and talked for a while. We were the first ones in and always are, except Hotch. We could hear everyone else coming in, Morgan the loudest, as usual. So I went back to my desk to give Alison some space as I usually do. She always had to make calls in the morning before we went to work on case. Morgan came up to me as I was sitting down and handed me an envelope and said "Some one dropped this off for you at the front desk. The receptionist wouldn't tell me who dropped it off but she said it was important" I just said "Thanks" and went to get more coffee. I brought the letter with me because I didn't want him reading it. I was waiting for my coffee so I decided tp open it.

It read: 'Dear Spencer,       

                              I really miss you. I am in Virginia for a week. I am coming to visit you today. I really need to talk to you. Please call me on the number I gave you when we first met.

                                  Love you lots,

                                                   Lila xxx '

Morgan saw that I had opened the letter and saw the look on my face and came over to me. He just asked "Who is it from ??" I didn't answer. He asked again " Reid, who's it from??" I could just say "Lila" All he said was "Good luck". I knew what he meant, sadly. I didn't know what to do. Do I call Lila and risk Alison finding out or just go straight up to Alison and tell her? Decisions decisions.

I did make a decision and decided to go tell Alison about her and what happened between us. So I went straight up to Alison to tell her. I saw Morgan shake his head as if to say "Don't do it" but I ignored it. I knocked on her door in case she was on the phone but she was just lying on her couch reading a case file. She saw me and sat up immediately. I sat down beside her and handed her the letter and told her about what happened between me and Lila. She just asked me one simple question "Do you still have feelings for her?" Did I? No. Of course I didn't. It was over two years ago. No I only loved Alison. So I replied with "Definitely not." She said, "Well then, go and see what she wants."

I love how she can be so understanding. So I gave her a kiss to say thank you. She smiled and snuggled up me. This was her sign she wanted to lie down. So I lay down on the couch and she snuggled up to me more and we both read the case file she had in her hand. We were there for about 5 minutes when Morgan knocked on the door and said "Reid, you have a visitor". That was unusual. I don't get visitors.

I got up and as soon as I got up I could see who it was. It was Lila. I didn't know what to say to Alison. I just said "Emm darling, do you want to meet Lila" She just replied "I will in a minute I wanna fix my make up" I was kind of glad about that because it would  give me time to explain Alison to her.

So I went down to the bullpen to talk to Lila. I just got to my desk and I had literally said "Hi" when Rossi called me up to his office. I was kind of pissed because I needed to talk to Lila aswell. Rossi just wanted to know what Lila wanted and I told him I didn't know because he called me up here just as I was about to talk to her. He let me go to talk to her and as I walked out of Rossi's office, I saw Lila and Alison talking together at my desk. I walked casually down not to make it look like I was scared . I got down and said Hi to Lila and asked to talk to Alison for a second. I asked her whether she told her or not and she said she left that for me but that she came here to get me back. I asked Alison if she was OK and she said she was fine but she went straight up to her office after that and closed the door.

I had to do something, so I went to Prentiss and Garcia and asked them to go up to her office to make sure she was OK and if she was crying to pull the blinds. They agreed and I went back to talk to Lila. We started off with small talk like how she was doing. How I was doing. Then I saw the blinds on the windows of Alison's office close and I had to get up there to comfort her. I was about to walk away when Lila caught me by the arm and said "Spencer. Do you want to get back together? Do you want anything to do with me or not?" I said "Lila, I can't I'm seeing someone." She just looked at me and said with alot of arrogance "Who??"  I answered with "Alison, the girl you were just talking to. And if you don't mind I have to get to her to make sure she's OK"

I ran up to her office and burst through the door. She was sitting on her couch with Garcia and Prentiss on either side of her. They saw me and got up to give us some privacy. I sat down beside her. I had never seen her cry before and didn't know what to do. So I just put my arms around her and we lay down on the couch. She cried herself out and fell asleep.  I think I fell asleep aswell because she cried for a good 2 hours and I was exhausted myself. I don't even know why she was crying. Well she and I woke up when someone knocked at the door. I only woke up because she sat up. It was Lila. I stood up immediately and then Alison turned and said "I'll give you two some privacy." Then she kissed me like she had never kissed me before. So much passion. I could see the evil smile I loved on her face when she finished. And I could also see the look of disappointment in Lila's eyes because she thought we were having a fight.

So anyway, Lila came in to say goodbye and she went to give me a hug and Alison appeared at the doos and just said, "No" and Lila stopped and just walked out the door without another word. I was so happy she didn't go for her gun because it would be hard to stop her shooting.

So and eventful day.

Write again soon,

Spencer xx

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