Chapter 9- Hoilday

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own CSI but I thought it would be a good idea to put into the story. They may appear again in another chapter.

Chapter 9-  Holiday

Hotch came down to the bullpen after being in a meeting with Alison, Strauss and Rossi. There was shouting between Strauss and Alison, which is nothing unusual anymore. So anyway, Hotch came down to the bullpen with Rossi and Alison. They were all laughing and joking with each other. He called all the team to the centre where all of our desks are and announced that we were getting a week's holiday tomorrow. We were all excited but also wondered why we were getting them, because we only get 2 weeks off and we had taken them already, so Morgan asked and Alison just said "Your welcome" and walked into her office.

So by after all the excitement about the extra week's holidays and everyone talking about where they were gonna go and what they were gonna do, I went up to Alison's office and asked her if she would like to somewhere for the week. She immediately said yes and started typing vigorously on her computer. She looked very busy so I left her to it and went back to my desk. I was also thinking of places to go. I was about to go on line and look for somewhere when she appeared at her door and called me over. I went over because I knew she had found somewhere for us to go. She held up a photo in a frame and said "How about New York?" I just looked at her and said "Perfect" she jumped up and down and got on the phone and started ringing someone. I didn't notice much until she said "I need to speak to the New York Crime Lab please" I just looked up at her and she just smiled.

When I went down everyone was just staring at me and then the questions started. Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia and JJ bombarded me with questions. "What was that about?" "Are you two going out?" "What did she want?" "Did she say anything about what happened with Strauss today?". I just looked at Hotch's office and luckily he was standing at the window and saw what was happening and just called me into his office to get me away from it all.

Everyone went back to what they were doing when Hotch gave them all 'The Look'. We never know how to describe it but its the kind of look he gives when he thinks we are being immature, and when it's given we know to stop whatever it is we were doing and 'behave'.

The day finally ended and we all said our goodbye's and went to our cars and drove home. I was very happy I wouldn't be seeing those people for a whole week. It's not that I don't like them, I really do they are my family, but a week of just me and Alison was my view of heaven. We were able to drive together since we live together because my house wouldn't be ready for at least another 6 months. I was very happy about that. Peter had done a VERY good job with the termites.

On the way home we talked about where we were going to stay because she didn't say anything about accommodation but she just said "It's a surprise. Please don't spoil it" and when she pleaded with me like that I couldn't defy her. It would break her heart. I would just have to be patient. So we went home and packed. I didn't cook dinner, neither of us could be bothered to do it do we ordered pizza from her favourite place.

So we arrived in New York at about 2 o'clock, which was grand because that still left us the whole day to explore the city. I still didn't know where we were staying until we pulled up at a big fancy hotel. I asked if this was where we were staying and she said "Sort of". I didn't know what to make of it so I just kept quiet. We got into the hotel and we didn't go to reception as I had expected we would. Instead we went straight into the lift with the bellhop and all our luggage. She put a key into the lift panel and we went straight to the top floor of the hotel, which was 30 floors up.

When we got out, it looked like we were in some sort of a lobby, with a black and white marble floor and vases all around us with red and white roses in them. She walked straight up to the door and stood there for a second then the door just opened and she waltzed in like she owned the place. Turned out she did and we were in the Penthouse of the building. It was amazing. It had 3 bedrooms a swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, massive kitchen, and the most amazing view I had ever seen. She just threw her keys on the counter and walked straight over to the doors leading to the terrace and walked out and stood on one of the steps for a minute and walked back in and over to me. "So what do you think? You like??" I couldn't speak I just nodded. She just laughed and said "I bought this place when I was working in the New York Crime Lab. When I left I couldn't bear to sell the place so I kept it. I have an identical one in Miami. We should visit there sometime!"

That's when the doorbell rang. Alison was on her way to the bedroom so I went to get it. It was a man and a woman. The man looked very official, he was wearing a suit and tie and his hair was perfect and his shoes were the shiniest shoes I had ever seen. Definitely ex-military of some sort. The woman was wearing a woman's suit and a wine top under her jacket. Her hair was wildly curly and sprayed all around her head. They acknowledged me and entered the room without a word and called out for Alison. She appeared from the bedroom and screamed and ran and hugged the man and then the woman. I didn't know what to do. Then she saw the look on my face and came over to me, grabbed my hand and said to the two visitors "Mac, Stella, this is Spencer Reid. He is my boyfriend" I was kind of shocked that she introduced me as that, because I was scared that these people knew my team and would tell them about us. I added on after " SECRET boyfriend" and Mac and Stella just looked at Alison in confusion. She explained that everyone on the team shouldn't find out about us and that if they do speak to them that they weren't to mention us at all.

Mac and Stella were very nice. They weren't a couple but they sort of acted as one. They were from the NY Crime Lab and worked with Alison when she worked there. They invited us over to the Crime Lab to see the rest of the team and catch up. She asked me if I minded going and I said no. I was actually excited because some of the cases that have been solved there are amazing. We went in their car because Alison and I hadn't got a car but I had guessed that she had one stored away for when she visited. This woman was extremely prepared for everything.

So we followd Mac and Stella into the elevator and we waited. It was a silent trip up, but when we got out the buzz of everyone talking and phones ringing made the silence dissapear. It was amazing here. All the walls were made of glass and the equipment was superb, all pristine and white and the surfaces were all made of glass and the white floor made them gleam. This was a place I would love to work in.

As soon as we walked into one of the lab's, Alison went over to a woman working and lightly tapped her on the shoulder, the woman looked around and jsut screamed. She tightly hugged Alison and I was afraid she was going to hurt her but I stayed where I was. Then a man came running into the room and shouted "Lindsey, are you OK? I heard you scream. Please tell me your not hurt!" Then he saw Alison and just said "Oh My God, you're back. I can't believe it. It's so good to see you! How are you?". She just replied "Really good. This is my boyfriend, Spencer Reid. He is one of my work collegues."

After meeting Lindsey and the man named Danny, we went to the Autopsy room where we met a man called Sid and the man I really wanted to see, Doctor Sheldon Hawkes. That man is a genius. I met him a number of times at different scientific events. I hoped he still remembered me. So we went into the Autopsy room and Dr. Hawkes immediately recognised me. He came over to talk to me then he saw Alison and I holding hands and stopped. He went straight to Alison and gave her a hug then stepped back, and said "I am hazarding a guess that the tqo of you are a couple!". We just smiled and I pulled Alison in to hug her. He congratulated us. That's when we got the phone call.

It was Prentiss. She said she wanted to talk to us and that she would meet us in Mac's office. I told Alison what she said and she just looked at me and said "She knows". We went straight back to Mac's office and sure enough she was there. We made sure not to make it look like we were a couple so we brought Stella back with us and she stood between us to seperate us. Prentiss saw us and stood up to meet us at the door. Stella didn't come in with us.

As soon as the door of Mac's office was closed she was over at us and she just said "I know the two of you are a couple!" We just looked at each other and I asked "How?" She said " I was out shopping and I saw the two of you walking hand in hand into the hotel, I knew then that you two were a couple. I had my suspicions back at Quantico, the two of you having private conversations in Alisons office and when we were in Nebraska, Alison offered to go in the car with you and bunk with you. I thought it was kinda wierd that you would spend the whole day together. And then your house got infected with termites and you moved into her house. And then we move onto your behaviour" "Hey, I thought the rule was no profiling the team?? You forget that?" I said. "No, I just wanted to make sure I was right before I said anything. I am really happy for you guys. Why havn't you told us?" She asked. "We didn't really want the team knowing EVERYTHING we do. So we havn't said a thing. Please don't say anything. We don't want the team to know until were ready." Alison pleaded. Prentiss agreed reluctantly and said she would leave us to enjoy our holiday in peace together.

We thanked her and went back to our hotel and spent the night just with each other.

Write again soon,

Spencer xx

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