The music notes ring

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TW: Anxiety and slight anxiety attack

I woke up in Wilbur's arms, graced by the outside light shining through the window. Wilbur was still asleep beside me and I was leaning against his shoulder. it seemed as though we both fell asleep last night after I had a breakdown. Wilbur soon woke up and we held hands as we walked downstairs, we were both greeted by the rest of the household.

We all ate breakfast and everybody seems to notice me following around Wilbur like a little duckling.

"Julie do you want to help me with my music in my room?" Wilbur danced through his words.

I nodded and hand in hand, we went to his room and sat on his bed. I looked around happily, Wilbur's room had music notes all over it and crumpled up sheets with lyrics. It was a sight to see for sure and all I wanted to do was see more. He pulled out his guitar and sat beside me again, as he started playing I fell in tranced with the sound. All I wanted to do was stay and listen it was a place of sanctuary and sound. The swift notes flying around the room like they were baby birds.

"Your music sounds amazing Wilbur!" I couldn't contain myself, I was just enjoying it too much.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it Julie, this song took me a long time to write." As we start on Wilbur's bed more and I listened to him play his guitar I felt like I was in heaven. I was so glad to have a brother who liked music like I did. We didn't come down for lunch because we were having too much fun. When we were done fiddling, singing and playing with the sweet sounds of music we held hands and walked to the living room.

Me and Wilbur sat on the couch, and decided to watch a movie together. We decided on Hamilton a Broadway musical. We sat closely to each other and I felt finally safe. All my past adoption homes that I was at never felt this safe. When I was with Wilbur I felt like I could take on anything, he was being the best big brother I could have ever imagined. but don't tell anybody that would be embarrassing.

The day came to an end and I was sad that it did, Wilbur walked me to my room and we parted. As he closed the door and I laid down on my bed I started to get lost in my thoughts unable to gain any sense of safety that I had back.

I felt alone, there was a lump in my throat anxiety in my chest, and I couldn't even gain enough motivation to move. I knew it was happening again but I couldn't let it happen, the last time I had an anxiety attack this bad my old foster parents didn't like it. I realized I had to calm myself somehow but I wasn't sure. I was so unsure of the outcome that I just panicked more and my vision became blurred. I got enough stamina to reach to my feet. I looked at the time and it was three in the morning, I slowly opened my door if it creaked and closed it behind me. I walked over to Wilbur's room the one person that I truly gave all my trust to. I knocked on his door.

"W-wilbur, I need you," I couldn't contain myself, I couldn't sound strong like usual. Not eating a ton, the sickness that I had, and the true emotional pain that I went through and felt was overbearing. But to my surprise I saw my big brother open the door, as he spoke to me concern laced his voice.
"Julie, calm down take deep breaths and come with me." Wilbur brought me into his room and sat beside me on his bed I didn't talk I just cried into his shoulder as he comforted me and rubbed circles on my back. 
"Do you want to stay the night and sleep with me Julie?" All I did was nod as well forgot into his bed and tucked me and beside him. That's the first time I got a sound sleep.

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