The park

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It was later in the morning, we all decided that we should do something together as a family. I'm still sort of skeptical on calling them all my family, but I feel trust in most of them especially Wilbur.
"We should go to the park, as a family," Wilbur was practically jumping up and down.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Phil spoke with kindness and his voice. Me and Techno agreed with a smile. As we got some supplies like a picnic we got our shoes on and started walking to the park.

We found a nice spot to set up the picnic blanket. I spread it out and set the food on it, I then grabbed some flowers and sat on the blanket fiddling with them. Techno leaned against the tree, Wilbur went to go swing on the swing set and Phil pushed him while he was on the swing.

By the time lunch came everyone sat on the blanket I smiled brightly and they looked at me confused.
"I made everyone flower crowns," I couldn't help but smile as I placed the blue flower crown one on myself. First I put one on Phil's head, it was green and white.
"It's pretty Julie good job."
Next was Wilbur's, I placed a yellow sunflower crown on his head.
"I feel like a princess," Wilbur said admiring the flower crown. Last but not least was Techno, I placed a golden flowered pink crown on his head.
"Good job it's beautiful," Techno ruffled my hair. We all giggled together and eat the sandwiches we brought for lunch. Phil, Wilbur and Techno stayed on the picnic blanket as I ran around the park chasing bees and finding flowers. The end of the day neared fast as we walked home I skipped in front of everyone, everyone was still wearing a flower crowns and we were very happy. We got to the house and put away our stuff from the picnic. We decided that since we had a big lunch we wouldn't eat dinner. After putting the last few things away we all shuffled to our rooms for the night after retiring fun day. The house was  quiet, you could hear a mouse if there were any.

I tend to keep an eye on things around the house before I go to bed. I was so exhausted from the day that I forgot to check the door. I feel soundly asleep, but I wasn't in a deep sleep. You could say I'm a light sleeper and I could hear everything. I couldn't shake the feeling that after having fun day everything would go wrong terribly fast.

I had forgotten about my sickness that I got and it was just making me feel worse turn more pale. I laid in my bed as the sky faded to darker. I knew something was going to happen I just didn't know what yet......

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