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TW: Almost character deaths, blood, stabbing and anxiety, extreme anxiety. Abuse(emotional and physical) PTSD flashbacks.

The split second that I closed my eyes, I had a flashback of one of my adoption homes. I really long time ago I was in a home. The person who adopted me was a tall male with brown hair. He always had a cynical look on his face when he would slap or kick or punch me for not listening or doing as he said. He would constantly emotionally abuse me when I wouldn't listen and would get physical when I didn't do my chores. As I was horrified being stuck in this awful flashback. I just felt like I was stuck in time.

Phil's P.O.V
I came out of my room to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and to check on Julie. She looked like she was struggling to sleep but was still asleep. As I came to get water shortly after techno came to the kitchen aswell. We both stared at each other while we drank water. Then we both, shocked but both of us looked at the door as it was rattling like someone was trying to get in. we both went towards it as the door burst open. A hooded man stood in front of both of us, weapon in hand.

Anonymous P.O.V
I burst into the house I was in not too long ago, I had a hood covering my face in the same weapon in my hand I used to stab that boy with the curly brown hair. Two new people were staring back at me. I saw Julie on the couch and smiled. She didn't deserve all this happiness, she was worthless. But then I was shocked when I saw her shifting from the couch and walking to the two older people. She stood shocked as she immediately recognized who I was.
"W-what are you doing here, I have a new family you're not supposed to be here. You can't hurt me anymore!" All I did was smile at this idiotic, helpless girl. The two other people looked at us with concern and confusion.
"YOU CAN NEVER GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE RAT!" My voice bellowed through the house, as I charged towards the two men and stabbed them both in their chest. I wasn't a complete monster I didn't stab their hearts, but pretty damn close. I was completely shocked when I was on the ground not knowing what happened. The girl that I thought was just a useless child had pinned me to the ground and taken the weapon. She stabbed me in the heart, and then she disposed of my body like it was nothing. I saw the light leave me and my body go limp. The last moment she saw of me was me smiling as blood poured out of my mouth. (He dead dead lol 🤣)

Julie's P.O.V
I rushed back to Phil and Techno, they had the thick crimson red tinted blood pouring out of both of them. I couldn't do this on my own I called Wilbur, in pure agony as he rushed towards me. He saw the scene. I was crying desperately reaching at them both.
"You hold pressure on Techno, make sure to hold it directly on the wound with a towel and I will do the same for Phil!" I pretty much yelled at Wilbur he was shocked to say the least but did as he was told. I went to go grab supplies from the medical room and then held pressure. I couldn't take all this pain, the person who came and hurt my new family came to hurt me I just wasn't there at the time. It was my fault I couldn't think that way. Wilbur was still healing, and now the other two got hurt. The floor was a gruesome scene as blood was covering both me and Wilbur's hands. I looked at them both sadly, as I heard them scream from pain while I was stitching up their wounds. Wilbur bandaged them up, and I cleaned the blood off of places in the house. We were both extremely exhausted as we sat beside Phil and Techno, they were on the floors and at this point they passed out. Wilbur passed out beside Techno and I watched over everybody. In the morning, even though all you could hear was groans and aches and pains. Everybody arch their next towards the kitchen to the beautiful smell of pancakes being cooked. They all shuffled slowly to the table and watched me. They expected I would break, maybe not now but with all this guilt and sadness I would break eventually.

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