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TW: Almost character death,  blood, slight hints at depression and silenced voice.
(I decided to choose violence today I don't apologize)

Wilbur's P.O.V
    After a long day at the park I laid in my room staring at the ceiling. the light shining through my window from outside turn to darkness fairly quickly. I fiddled with my fingers as I realized I couldn't fall asleep quite yet, I heard everybody else sleeping for the most part. I went downstairs to get a glass of water...
In a sudden movement I couldn't even realize what was going on, the door of the friend house open and a man hooded stared directly into me. He was carrying a knife and even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was smiling. He charged at me quickly, stabbing me in the abdomen. I was at a loss for words I couldn't even form any, we had such a good day as a family why would this happen now. The hooded figure left out the door taking the knife with them. I laid on the floor but spilling out of me it was all over the floor in my hands. I could see the red tent glimmering off the shiny floors and spilling out of my body. I hadn't noticed in the events that happened, that Julie walked downstairs. She stared at me horrified and rushed to my side, she gave me a reassuring smile. I had no idea what she was going to do.

She pulled out of her back pocket materials to stitch. She grabbed a towel and applied pressure to where I was leaking blood. Then she looked at me and silently communicated that it was going to hurt. As I felt pure agony, she sewed up my wound and I stopped bleeding. This was too much for her to handle seeing one of her family members bleeding out. she was calmer than I expected like she's done something like this before. I could see Julie staring at her hands, they were shaking as she looked shocked staring at my blood on her hands. I had stopped bleeding because of her and her skills but the floor and her hands were still covered. I gave her a smile, you know one of those smiles you get when you think you're going to die. Julie held my hand tight, I could feel her squeeze my hands tighter and tighter. I didn't respond but I could hear her speaking to me even though it sounded sort of like static.

"You can't leave me Wilbur, you're the person I trust the most, you're my brother, please don't leave me you can survive this..." I could hear her words, she sounded horse and I could hear her break in her words and she tried not to cry.

Before, I lost consciousness I knew that I couldn't leave her alone the door was open wind was coming in and we were in a predicament that was not good. So with the final bit of my voice that I had I yelled out.

"PHIL!!!!" Tears are streaming down my face as I saw Julie shocked that I was yelling for Phil.

Back to normal p.o.v
Julie close the door, and land against the wall staring at me almost emotionless. Phil who came down to the commotion and Techno who followed. We're completely stunned at what we're in front of them.

"What the hell happened!?" Phil and Techno said in unison. They noticed that Wilbur wasn't bleeding anymore. Then changed their glances to me was just staring down at my hands in the floor where his dried blood was. First, Phil and Techno carried Wilbur to the medical room. as they saw me sitting against the wall petrified they stared back at Wilbur.

"How could this have happened, who do you think did this and why. Wilbur didn't do anything to deserve this I'm just glad that he got stitched up by Julie." Techno stayed at his brother holding his hand while a tear slid down his face.

"My boy, I don't know why someone would do this but what Julie did was something that a child shouldn't have to deal with. Techno you stay with Wilbur and I will go back to Julie I'll try to get her to tell me what happened." Phil looked saddened and deeply concerned but Techno agreed and sat beside Wilbur holding his hand.

Phil sat beside me and grabbed my hands, he pulled them close to his chest and muttered sorry apologies. I was overwhelmed I couldn't handle what was going on but I wasn't going to start crying now. I still was feeling terrible because I hadn't told anyone that I was sick. As I looked down at the floor in my hands I couldn't move I was petrified.

"Can you possibly tell me what happened?" Phil looked at me, comfort in his eyes. The only words I dare to mutter were.

"I u-usually can't sleep.... so I come downstairs and check the door, b-bbut I didn't check the door this time because, I was tired.... from all of us playing at the park. I d-didn't check, I d-d-didn't check and now Wilbur's hurt and it's my fault!" I was mortified from what was coming out of my mouth. And Phil just looked shocked.

he brought me to the bathroom carrying me in his arms because I couldn't move on my own. He took a sponge and washed the blood off my hands he quickly washed the blood off the floor where Wilbur was too. I just sat on the counter staring off I couldn't process what had happened. What did just happen, I brought my knees to my chest as Phil approached me again. He helped me change into some clothes and we walked back to where Wilbur and Techno were.

Techno stared at me from peer shock of what happened. I looked at Wilbur, I saw him laying down almost as pale as a ghost. I noticed Techno holding his hand. Then Phil joining, I couldn't handle it I couldn't do it. All I did was stare and cover my mouth as I couldn't contain how I was feeling. I quickly dashed out of the room while the other two looked at me.

I sat against the front door, I refuse to let something like this happen again. Emotions took over, I was scared for sure. But I was scared that my family was going to get hurt I had gotten attached. I couldn't function I just stared off sitting against the front door.

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