4. And I Feel Like Something's Gonna Give

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Author's Note: Hi new readers! *waves frantically* Welcome to my messed up miiiind.

4. And I Feel Like Something's Gonna Give

"You were doing so well, keeping your distance."

"Go away," Mitch pleaded in a growl.

"Nah. That wasn't the deal."

Mitch turned to face the tall, blond hallucination. Stunning as ever, and Mitch was suddenly desperately trying to refrain from reaching forward to place a kiss on the healing gash on his forehead.

"You still look at me like you love me, you know," Scott muttered.

"I can't love you. And I can't keep having this conversation with you. You don't exist."

"So tell Dr. Chastain. Get rid of me, if it's so easy."

"You're going to keep coming back."

"Ah, now you get it."

"And each time you come back, you're going to be even angrier, aren't you?"


"What did you mean, when you said you would hurt him?"

Scott smiled. "Don't worry about that. We both know that you won't let it come to that."

"Would you use me to do it? So it would be me hurting him?"

The smirk was taunting, and part of Mitch wanted to slap it off of his face. But another, overwhelming part wanted to kiss it off of his lips.

"You do pull his hair so well... it's kind of hot..." Scott mused, and tousled his own hair. Mitch wanted to run his hands through it.

"He doesn't want to date you. Doesn't want to kiss you. Doesn't want to fuck you again. I think that's kind of clear now. Right?" Scott asked.

Mitch narrowed his eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"You distanced yourself from him since I last saw you. And he doesn't seem to mind, this time."

Mitch felt a pang of hurt run through him. He was right. "So? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Partly, yes."

"And you said that if we distanced ourselves from one another, you'd go away."

"No. I said if you get rid of him I will go away. But either way, now I feel like we can change the stakes, here," Scott said casually, perching himself at the edge of Mitch's bed.

Mitch stepped closer, so he stood between Scott's knees, glaring into those beautiful eyes.

"What might those changes be?"

Scott leaned forward, attacking Mitch's lips with his own. Mitch gasped in surprise, but his hands intuitively made their way to Scott's jaw, running his fingers across the stubble of his beard.

The texture of the beard had changed to mirror that of Scott Hoying's. Soft. Not sharp against the pads of his fingers anymore. Mitch was surprised at what he thought of the change.

Just like Scott Hoying. Perfect.

Mitch pressed against Scott's front, gripping the back of his neck as he deepened the kiss.

The lips are the same. They kiss the same. Perfect.

He paused when his groin rubbed against something new.

Scott moaned. Soft and velvety, and so damn beautiful.

Mitch moved his lips to place kisses along Scott's jaw, until finding a particularly sensitive spot just below his ear. Scott groaned again, as Mitch palmed the new addition to the hallucination.

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