21. I Want to Push You Down, Well I Will

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Author's Note: Sorry :(

21. I Want to Push You Down, Well I Will

Mitch wasn't sure if he found the fact that Scott fell asleep afterwards to be adorable or worrisome.

He prayed that he hadn't pushed Scott too far. Based on how he had been after he took him to bed, Mitch knew that he probably shouldn't worry.

Because he had been so damn good when he took him to bed. Mitch blushed at the mere thought.

He watched as Scott's chest rose and fell, slowly and peacefully. He leaned over, placing a kiss to his sternum, and threw on the clothing that had been laid out for him, needing desperately to rehydrate.

"Shit." Mitch muttered as he nearly crashed into Rozzi in the hallway. "Sorry."

She eyed him up and down for a moment. "Didn't mean to scare you," she said, smiling with a raised eyebrow.

"Just getting some water."

"Yeah, sounded like Scott might need some water, too."

Mitch felt his cheeks flushing as he continued his way to the kitchen, with Rozzi close behind. "Are you mad?"

"Did you shower with him? You... smell like him."

Mitch prepared himself for the fallout. "Yes, I did."

"Oh. Wow." Her voice was quiet, almost in shock. "He, um... that's big for him."

She didn't seem at all mad. In fact, her tone seemed hopeful.

He turned to face her, and realized just how sad she looked.

"I was glad that he trusted me enough. It was fucking cold, but hey. Baby steps, right?"

"Noah used to fight with him about it."

Mitch's eyes narrowed. "What?"

"I used to hear them. Scott would be begging him not to be mad. But Noah wouldn't hear it. It was absolutely out of bounds for Scott, though. He never budged. And Noah became like... obsessed with that fact, constantly trying to make it happen, hating that Scott wouldn't let him. The fact that he let you... do that with him? That's kind of huge."

Mitch's heart swelled in his chest. "Good. I want him to feel safe with me."

Rozzi smiled. "So he asked you?"


"To be his boyfriend." Rozzi was grinning now.

"Oh. Yeah," Mitch found himself smiling in return. She reached out to grab him, hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad. He said he was going to. I know I'm a lot sometimes, Mitch. But I love him, you know? Just like you and Kirstie? Sometimes I know I... overstep. Just check me on it, okay?"

Mitch clutched her tightly, nodding. "I completely get it."

"Good." She let him go. "And do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Bring over your own soap. It's weird that I'm hugging you and smelling him."

Mitch laughed. "Deal."

When he arrived home in the evening, he was already missing him.

But that certainly didn't mean that he was happy to see his doppelgänger sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Save it," Mitch muttered, placing his phone on his desk and sitting next to him to take off his shoes.

Scott was silent.

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