13. You Couldn't Stand to be Near Me when My Face Don't Seem to Want to Shine

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Author's Note: Who wants to learn about Scott's flaws and past for a change? Here you go.

13. You Couldn't Stand to be Near Me when My Face Don't Seem to Want to Shine

May came more quickly than Mitch had anticipated.

His friends were graduating in two weeks.

So was the person that Mitch had come to realize might very well be the love of his life.

The man with whom he hadn't directly spoken in over two months.

He was feeling better in a lot of ways. He was keeping busy. He had caught up with all of his work. The a cappella group was changing hands, with a new leader stepping forward as Chet prepared to graduate.

And the new leader seemed a little bit too interested in Mitch.

Mitch wasn't sure how to tell the man that he wasn't interested. So he just avoided him at all costs.

Avoiding his problems, just like Scott was.

But the yearning feeling that tugged on his heart was becoming less and less over time. That was a good sign, right?

"Maybe we should stay back tonight. What do you think?"

"I'll be fine."

"I know you don't like that place-."

"Kirstie. I'll be fine. I want to spend time with my friends before they leave."


"I won't talk to him, okay?"

"But Noah-."

"I don't want to know anything about Noah."


They walked into the strip club and headed straight for their friends. Mitch took the seat closest to another bartender, and tried not to look in Scott's direction at all.

He allowed his eyes to wander around the bar, surveying his surroundings. It had been a while since he was last here.

His eyes fell immediately on Noah, who was taking a shot on the other end of the bar.

Kirstin tried to warn him that he would be here. A mixture of guilt and annoyance filled him.

He was surrounded by a small group of men, and they all looked drunk already.

"He spends a lot of time here. Rozzi says he doesn't trust anyone around Scott," Kirstin muttered in his ear, quietly.

"Sounds like a healthy relationship."

"It started that way."

Mitch could feel the blood rush from his face. "Started that way?"

"Rozzi doesn't like him anymore." Kirstin pushed a drink into his hand. He took a sip, wanting to numb himself from the feeling in his gut.

He isn't yours to save. He isn't yours to save. He isn't yours.

"How long has she disliked him?"

"She said he changed about a month ago. She said he's... possessive."

"Is Scott happy?"

"Not terribly, from what I've heard."

Mitch watched as Noah's gaze followed Scott around the bar.

He watched as an older man leaned in towards Scott's ear. Scott nodded and began to make a drink.

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