abigail anne kennedy

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"Has anybody seen Abi?!" Jackie ran through the halls of the house frantically.

No's came from all sides as she opened and shut door after door.

"Abigail Anne, a sweet and outspoken little soul. The quiet one, stays to herself most of the time. She's 14 reading books I couldn't even begin to comprehend. Unlike all our other girls, she's just fine by herself. Very independent and overally happy. You can find her on the beach reading at any time of the day. With her beautiful curls and eyes, she's amazingly reliable, caring, inclusive, and super easy to talk to."

"Abigail Anne, come on!" She yelled looking outside the back door and still not seeing her.

She was "supposed" to be on the beach like always. When she ran off, she ran to the beach.

She wasn't on the beach. Her book sat at the bottom of the stairs as Jackie raked her hands through her hair.

"Nelly, what did you say to her again?" Jackie's voice was never raised, she made it a point as a mother. But there were times, this was one of those times.

"I-I just said she was weird, like and-" Nelly tried to beat around the bush.

"And what?!" She yelled as the teen tried and tried to make the words she said sound better in her head.

"She was being irritating so, so I started yelling and, said lots of stuff, and, and I told her to get out." You could see the guilt in Naomi's eyes as Jackie looked to the girl angrily.

"She's the kind of girl that's super happy, never really gets mad about anything, not super competitive either. It's crazy to me that her and Nelly share a room. But either way, she is super sensitive, being called our "Daisy" because of her flower like sense. We look forward to seeing what she'll go on to do, but if we could bargain, she'll be the one to not stray far from the nest."

"I'll deal with you later. I have to worry about finding your sister right now." Quickly she pushed away from the girl and ran out the front door to start banging on doors.

Jean's- No
Bobby's- No
Teddy's- No
Pat's- No
Eunice's- No

She headed into the Big House as Jack pulled into the driveway.

"Kid, what's going on?!" He yelled looking to his wife, who was now on the brink of tears.

"Abi. I- I don't know where she is." And just by the tone used by the women Jack knew this wasn't a little "I'm gonna run away!" type thing.

He stood at the door watching his father shake his head no. In that moment his heart dropped.

"Abi! Abi Anne!" He yelled walking around the house.

No answer.

"Oh God. Oh." Jackie looked to her husband, falling to her knees in the backyard of sand.

The girls stood on the back porch, watching their mother collapse.

Jackie was known for holding the emotions in. So when she let it all out it was a big deal, and it was hard to watch.

She sobbed and sobbed before finally composing herself, standing, and walking into the house. Soon you heard a door close and lock soon after.

"Alright girls. This is the plan." Jack stood at the back door briefing the girls present in the house.

"I'm calling the police, you guys go in pairs around the island, little ones stay here." He nodded pointing to the littler ones and telling the rest to go.

And soon the whole Hyannis was searching for the missing Kennedy girl.

Some worried she would freeze in the cold weather. Some worried she was kidnapped.
Some even worried about getting lost after running away.

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