juliette jacqueline kennedy

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"Mini Jackie is up next. Juliette is named after me, and it shows."

"Mommy!" Julie ran in through her parent's room and banged on the bathroom door.

Jackie had been sick for the past week, doctors came and went and nobody had answers.

"Julie is the older one of the younger set of twins, 10 years old. She's very witty, headstrong, helpful, and can be pretty funny sometimes. Both of these girls are pretty different too, but with that being said, they are each other's best friend. Juliette takes after Jack's mom with sewing. She's an absolutely phenomenal sewer, most of her clothes being hand made, she's insists on it."

"Mommy, mommy are you okay?" Julie asked straightening her newest project, a new light blue dress.

"And a fashionista, oh she walks around strutting. Everything she wears has to be a certain way, certain colors and nothing, and I mean nothing, can be wrinkled or have polka dots. With all the things going on between each day at the house Julie is always my mini who is ready to help and loves being a mommy's girl more than anything."

"Mommy are you in there?" She put her ear on the door and heard nothing.

But she wasn't anywhere else, Jackie hadn't left the room in at least 4 days give or take. Last Julie knew she just didn't have the strength.

She picked at the doorknob and as it turned in her hand she sighed of relief knowing that the door was unlocked.

"Mommy, look at m-" Julie stopped in her tracks as her mother laid on the tile floor motionless.

"Mommy?! Mommy can you hear me?!" The 10 year old got down on her hands & knees and continued to tap her mother's face.

Jackie's eyes flickered open and immediately she was horrified to see one of her children starring back at her as she laid unable to move.

Growing up she walked in on so many things. It terrified the mother that one of her children was witnessing an example of an event that scarred her as a kid.

"Go- go get daddy." She sputtered as Julie nodded before running out of the room screaming and sobbing.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She yelled running through the house.

It felt weird, as yelling and throwing fits weren't allowed in the house. Julie wasn't one to break rules either.

He never answered.

Quickly she made her way to the driveway as a last resort and looked to the empty pavement.

"Oh no." She audibly said before running back into the house scrambling.

Nobody was home. All the girls were at school, Jack had just left for work. Julie was alone and she had to figure out something fast.

She stayed home because she was supposed to go to the dentist later in the morning, Jack was coming back to get her.

"Daddy is coming back, he'll be back" She whispered to herself trying to calm down.

For a minute she looked around and as her eyes landed on the home phone she ran over and dialed 911, she knew how to do that.

They talked to her for awhile and as they hung up she ran back up to her mom.

"Mommy?! Come on, come on, wake up! Wake up!" She screamed as Jackie's face just flopped between the girl's hands.

"I- I shouldn't have left you alone, I shouldn't have left you alone." She said in whisper repeatedly before taking a break.

She stood up and looked around helplessly. The ambulance service wasn't coming for awhile, it was through the nearest town and that wasn't for almost 15 minutes.

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