gweneth grace kennedy

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"And who we thought was going to be our last baby, Gweneth Grace, or GG for short. She's 7 years old."

When you asked Gwen Kennedy what her favorite holiday was, you'd expect something like Christmas or maybe Easter, but she would calmly say Thanksgiving every. time.

Some would ask, why? Especially at 7 years old.

And it was the cooking.

Oh how she loved to cook with her Granny.

"She a pro in the kitchen at just 7 years old, never ceases to amaze us. At her young age she's still scheming, but for the most part she's mellowing out to be a very lovable and funny little girl. Gwenny is definitely the family goofball. She plays piano on the side, so her and Hattie are a good mix together, they always sound so amazing with her singing and Gwen's paino. On top of all of that, she's also super sociable, never meets a stranger, often comes home telling us of her new friend from that day. Our little social butterfly forsure."

Days before would be spent dancing and singing in the kitchen between all the fun of cooking the huge dinner. Never stressful, and as a Kennedy, GG loved to learn from Rose.

And finally, after what seemed like forever, the holiday was beginning to role back around and gosh was she excited.

3 days before, her and Rose got the head start.

"And good morning my Granny's girl! Are you excited to help me again this year in the kitchen?" Rose asked the first morning of and she exchanged that with a big nod yes.

Jackie kissed her daughter's cheek after talking to Rose for a minute and headed back next door to deal with the rest of the girls for the day.

"Before we start though, A little present for you from Granny." Rose handed the girl a box and she sat excitedly ripping into the paper at the island area in the Big House.

Soon she pulled out the most darling apron specially made for Gwen, of course embroidered with "Gweneth Grace" in green, her favorite color.

It definitely was something that she could grow into a little more, but for now, it was her first apron of, hopefully, so many more.

She was so happy with the present as Rose tied it in the back.

"Look Granny, I look like you now!" She exclaimed after washing her hands in the sink.

Her stool would slide around the floors everywhere today, she wanted a hand in everything.

Pies where always first, and Gwen loved the flour.

She watched intently waiting for her turn.

Rose couldn't help but look up at her every once in awhile and see her Jack. He loved to help with his siblings while they were growing up, and she missed it so much.

Luckily it seemed like she still had some little helpers to get her through the rest of her days, and for that, she was glad and oh so happy.

As the dough formed Rose threw it onto the floured counter and let the 7 year old go at it.

One thing lead to another and suddenly Gwen and Rose were both laughing covered in flour.

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