tell us about them.

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"Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy for allowing our crews into your gorgeous home this afternoon" Jackie smiled thinking to the fact that she was being forced to do this. They had only begged for the past 10 ish years give or take.

It would never make sense to her why they wanted to be in her family's business all the time?

Why did they even care anymore?

Jack hadn't been President since 1968, 11 whole years. And still, they wanted to know every little detail, of every little thing, of every little moment, in the family's life.

The huge group couldn't ever escape it seemed.

"Oh it's our pleasure to have you." She lied straight through her teeth as Jack grabbed her hand & squeezed it tightly.

Truthfully, he didn't want to do this either.

After all those years of interviews and cameras, he was done the day he stepped out of the White House with his wife and, at the time, 7 girls.

"Well it's been 11 years since we saw the President in action, and things have been happening!" Quickly the reporter smiled while thinking of the big number of "12"

"Oh yes, we're all sorts of busy all the time!" Jack added, smiling up at the portraits of all 12 of their girls, aging from 22 to 3.

Yeah, he had always wanted that one boy, but his girls, well, they had his entire heart.

"So, everybody wants to know. How many children do you two have right now? The big total number!" The interviewer laughed slightly as both parents smiled big.

Jack took the honors of reviling the magic number,

"We have 12 glorious & beautiful girls. Our oldest is 22, the youngest is 3." He couldn't help but be filled with joy upon looking to all the portraits on the wall behind the reporter.

"Meave, Victoria & Lucinda, Rosalind, Naomi, Abigail, Evelyn, Juliette & Charlotte, Harriet, Gweneth, & little Kathrine" Jackie went down the line without hesitation, knowing each of her girls by heart in the order they came in.

"Well it definitely sounds like you two have your hands full!" He began again, seeming surprised at the couples sense of calmness & happiness.

"Oh yes, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Both said the same sentence in sync, after all they had only been told that phrase a thousand times before.

And you know after 12 kids, things seem to get a little jumbled, but the couple always came back to finish each other's sentences.

"Before we really get started, I'm going to ask some questions, most likely, and if you will, just give me a name and we'll see what the girls have to say later" Jackie and Jack laughed as they nodded, everything was a competition and this wasn't any different.


"As we don't have too much time, just give me a name, are you two ready?" Jackie looked up to Jack holding onto him tightly, hoping they would do the read your mind, finish each other's sentences type thing.

"Most likely to burn down the house?"
JB- "They'll say me"
JK- "Gwen"

"Most likely to end up in mom and dad's bed?"
JB- "Meave all the way"
JK- "Agreed, it's always been Meave"

"Most likely to make the moment about them?"
JB- "I would say him, but instead I'll say mini him, Naomi"
JK- "Yeah... Nelly"

"Most likely to get expelled from school?"
JB- "Tori."
JK- "Tori."

"Most likely to have the highest SAT score?"
JB- "Rosie for sure."
JK- "I'm thinking Katie actually."

"Jackie, who's the mommy's girl?"
JB- "Juliette an-"
JK- "And Meave"

"Most likely to win a competition?"
JB- "Nelly"
JK- "Hard race between Evie and Nelly"

"Most likely to be late for dinner?"
JB- "Abi, she's always off somewhere."
JK- "Oh yeah you can't ever find that girl, she looses track of time."

"Most likely to get into a fight?"
JB- "Let's see, who do we have the most stitches for?"
JK- "Charlotte, definitely."

"Jack, who's the biggest daddy's girl?"
JB- "Oh lord, Nelly, Nelly all the way."
JK- "Oh yeah, Naomi is a big papa's girl"

"Most likely to help around the house?"
JB- "I actually think that all of the girls help in there own ways. It takes a lot to keep this 14 man family going"
JK- "I'm gonna go with Gwen, cause she attached to Jackie most of the time."

"Most likely to blurt out into song?"
JB- "Oh Hattie girl"
JK- "Definitely"

"And finally, most likely to outrun you in a normal day?"
JB- "Easy peezy lemon squeezy, Katie."
JK- "Oh yeah forsure, nobody, not even Charlie, can keep up with her"

"Well with all that being said, waste no time, please, tell us about them."

Smiles infected the parent's faces as Jackie started off with number 1...

this is a VERY spur of the moment kind of story, it was a short story that i think will make a very sweet, simple, and straight to the point kind of book that hopefully you'll love!

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