charlotte claire kennedy

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"Oh lord, Charlotte Claire, in other words our wild child."

"Mommy!!" Charlie yelled loudly from the top of the stairs as Jackie made dinner.

"Charlie!!" She yelled back.

This was her staple thing when it came to her kids yelling her name, give them a taste of their own medicine.

"Um- have you seen Izzy?" The daughter sat on the last step of the stairs looking to Jackie.

"She's the youngest by 3 minutes in the younger set of twins at 10 years old. Charlie really resembles Nelly in a lot of ways, but she's not completely Jack like she is. I'd definitely describe her as excited, kind yet feisty, and just an overall tomboy. Most of the time you can find her with her cousins playing football or soccer. Two sports that she loves and are amazing at. She definitely fits in better with the boys than the girls, she never wears dresses unless forced, owns a lizard, is always covered in dirt, and has the craziest hair you'll ever see in your life. But either way, she is oh so kind and an overall happy kid to be around."

Jackie was already scrambling like always and worrying about her daughter's lizard wasn't on the to do list for the night.

"No Charlie. Oh Lord above have you lost the lizard?!" Jackie screamed while opening the front and back door.

Now she wasn't the most amazing cook known to mankind.

"Mommy the fire alarms are going off!" One of the girls yelled as smoke filled the house, the mother, trying not to suffocate her kids in their own home, rushed to push smoke out of the doors and opened some of the windows.

"You don't say?!" She yelled and threw her hands up in the air.

"Everybody out of the kitchen, upstairs, NOW!" She yelled as the girls came from the living & sitting rooms to file up the stairs and into there rooms.

"But mommy what abo-"

"Charlotte. Upstairs. Now." Jackie spoke cutting off the daughter and watching her walk back upstairs with her sisters.

It was the real deal when Jackie said one of the girl's whole name.

Taking a breath and stepping back she looked down at the burnt dinner in defeat. Wasn't the first time and definitely wasn't the last, but the loss still took a small toll.

Suddenly a scream rang out and once again the house was back in commotion per usual.

"Get her!" Charlie yelled as the small lizard slipped and slid all around in the upstairs part of the Kennedy's home.

Quickly Jackie turned down the stove and ran up the stairs, in hopes of not burning at least some of the family's dinner.

"What in-" She was cut off by yells as the lizard ran right through Jackie's legs and down to the main floor.

Jackie smacked her face as the girls began downstairs, why did this kind of stuff have to happen to her?

This stupid lizard that Jack got the girl already had some kind of problem. She hated that little slimy thing.

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