001 [𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞]

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"Oh dear, you poor thing." Minerva said while holding the one three year old child. "Dont worry. You will be taken care of just fine." She whispered. "Mommy... I want mommy. Where is mommy auntie Minerva." Minerva would like nothing more than to take her in and learn her all about this world, her world. But she couldn't. How was she going to take care of a three year old girl while living at Hogwarts?

"Minerva? I'm truly sorry for your loss." A man with long grey hair and a beard spoke. "Who is going to take care of her Albus?" Minerva began speaking.

"I talked with some other people. They think the Weasleys would love to take her in."

"I trust the Weasleys, they will take care of her. How is little Harry?"

"Hagrid and I dropped him of at the only family he had left. He will be okay." The three year old started to cry again.

"Shh, we will get you somewhere save." Mcgonagall spoke to her niece.
Albus and Minerva arrived at an cozy house, called the Burrow. Albus knocked at the door and footsteps aproached. "Albus, Minerva, what are you doing here at this late hour?" A man with bright red hair asked. "It's my sister, she was killed." Minerva said with a sad voice. "Oh, I'm sorry Minerva, truly." A woman came to stand next to her husband.

"Hello Molly, now that you are here too. We have some things we need to discuss." The couple invited their guest inside and sat down in the small living room.

"It is about my niece, I can't take her in at Hogwarts. We are looking for another home for her." The married couple looked at eachother. "We will take her in." Molly spoke.
"Fred and George would love to have a girl here. Charlie and Bill are driving them crazy." Arthur joked which delivered him a soft playfull slap on his arm from his wife.

(Word count: 336)


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