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Some wounds were scratches, others seemed self-inflicted. Like my wolf side was fighting itself. I fell asleep after taking care of my wounds and didn't wake up for at least nine hours.

I woke up from a loud banging noise. I looked up and there was a small hole in the wall that was getting bigger. Fenrir talked throug it. "Appartenly you need sunlight to stay healthy. Then he felt again.

Fred pov:
George has been in his dorm most of the time for the past month. No one has seen Y/n since the first day back. Umbridge kept telling everyone how pissed of she was that Y/n left school without permission.

Most of the students and staff knew that Y/n would never do that. But some of the Slytherins believed our DADA teacher.

Mom and dad showed up at school almost every day with Sirius and Remus and talked to Dumbledore. Harry gave Sirius his cloak so he could get in and out of the school without being seen.

They would leave without even talking to me, George or any of our other siblings. They only communicated with us through letters. Remus owled us last week to tall us how things between him and Sirius were do far. I got it, they couldn't tell Y/n about it, so they told the closet people to her.

George didn't eat or sleep much. He woke up from night terrors a lot, sometimes multiple times a night.

At the moment we are eating breakfast. Well, everyone exept for George. "You need to eat bro-"

An black owl flew over his plate and dropped a letter. George opened it quickly and read it in a soft voice I only I could hear what he said.

"You two must be those annoying twins she keeps screaming to in her dreams? Am I right? Fred and George Weasley? With that last name of yours I can understand why she has nightmares about you, bloodtraitors. You must be wondering who I am. I won't tell you, it wouldn't matter, you won't find us.
PS. She is one strong girl."

Tears escaped George his eyes and soon after that i stared to tear up too.
"We need to show this to Dumbledore brother." George nodded and rushed away. I ran after him and walked up to the teachers table. "No students allowed here!" Umbrigde shouted. Soon everyone stared at us. Dumbledore stood up.

"Then I will come to them." He smirked at Umbridge. "We- we got this letter."

He took it from George and read it. I looked back and saw Lee and the girls staring at us. "Snape, owl the Weasley's. We will need them. Minerva, owl Padfoot and Lupin."

"Padfoot? Who is padfoot?!" Dumbledore ignored Umbridge and lead me and George away from the hall. Everyone stared at us while tears still rolled over our cheeks.

George pov:
Mom and dad arrived soon after the letter was sent. They pulled us in a hug and Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron came into Dumbledores office.

"What happend? Do we know where she is?" Harry questioned. "We don't know her exact location. But I have a feeling about who is in her company." The room went quiet and everyone stared at Dumbledore waiting for him to tell us who.

Remus walked into the classroom with Snape and Mcgonagall and a cloak dropped and revealed Sirius. "Remus, Sirius. You won't like what I found out."

Sirius came closer. "Who do you think has her?" Remus asked. Dumbledore handed them the letter. As they read it they both clenched their fists.

Sirius wanted to say something but couldn't. "Greyback." Remus mumbled.

"Greyback?! Fenrir Grayback?!" Mom snapped. "I'm afraid that is correct Molly." Dumbledore spoke. "Remus, do you think..." Sirius started. Remus nodded. "He wouldn't take her just for fun. He is too smart for that." Remus said.

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO EVERYONE IS TAKING ABOUT!" I snapped. I couldn't hold it back. Mom and dad looked at eachother and then nodded to Remus.

"So, everyone in this room knows about
my condition. But what not many know, is how I got it. When I was a child, I was bitten... by a werewolf named..."

"Fenrir Grayback." Sirius spoke. Everyones jaw dropped. "Are you telling me some psycho has Y/n? Will he kill her!? What if he does!"

"I don't think he will kill her George. I'm afraid her faith will be much worse."

"She can't be a werewolf!" Fred shouted. Then it hit me, he would try to turn her. "Y/n once told me and Fred... that she felt so sorry for you Remus... and that she would... rather..."

"Don't finish that sentence George!" Mom snapped. "She would rather die."
Fred mumbled. Again tears rolled over my cheek and hit the ground. Fred pulled me into a hug.

"She will be okay, George. She is a stong girl."

"I don't want this for her, she was supposed to live a normal teenage life.."

"I know Georgie, I know." Everyone stared as Fred tried to comfort me.

(Word count: 865)


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