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I was too confused. But then I saw the same black, cloaked figure approach me and I didn't blink twice before running away. I heard him mumble something and felt an aggonizing pain in my neck. I was pushed onto the ground and my blood flooded over the floor like in my dream. I knew what would come next and tried to move my leg away but the same scratching feeling touched the skin on my leg and ripped open my skin. I let out a scream and felt my body being dragged away.

I woke up again, but this time I didn't feel save at all. I wasn't surrounded by my best friends. I was alone, in a cold, dark room that made me really scared and uncomfortable. The door of the room bursted open and there was some light coming inside through the door.

Fenrir looked down to me. "Ah, still bleeding huh. You are here for my benefit, not to die. Uhg, here! Drink this." That was when I realised I was still covered in blood. I picked up the flask and downed the horrible potion. Not caring what it would taste like.

I felt my contiousness slip away again. I passed out.

I woke up later, not knowing how much time had passed. There was a spelled candle that wouldn't melt in the center of the room. Next to it, was a plate with bread and water. I didn't want to but I ate anyways, because I felt like this was  probably half the amount of food I would get in a week.

Time passed, at first I sometimes counted the seconds and minutes to pass time and get a bit of an idea of how much time passed. I was right about the food. I got skinnier every day. I could see my ribs and couldn't stand up for long. My body kept getting weaker and weaker.

Most of the time I felt my neck pounding on the place Fenrir had bitten me. I felt sick and weak. My hand was pressed against my neck when Greyback walked in.

"Ah, I looks like my bite worked." I was so confused. What could his bite possibly bring me other than pain. But then I realised what Remus told me. He was bitten. "What is hap- am I?"

"Going to transition? Yes! You should be greatfull!" He shouted at me. He came closer. "Oh and just so you know dear, tonight we get to see how good you will do."

Was tonight a full moon? I thought about how worried everyone must be. Or maybe they had moved on, forgot about me completely.

I wouldn't blame them if they did. Maybe it was best for them to think I was dead, so they could mourn and move on with their lives. I want them to be happy, even though I am still alive.

Then the fact hit me, I would transition tonight. This was my life now. Once a month I would have the fear of hurting the people I love, fear of killing someone. Unless I wouldn't even make it out of here alive. I tried to push all those thoughts away. I would see them again. Dad, George, Fred, the other Weasleys. Everyone.

At least... I hoped that I would.

Fenrir came back into the dark room. "Come here!" I slowly stood up and walked towards him. "Hurry up b*tch!"
I grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. I didn't want to ask him where we were going. It would probably end up with his hand slapped in my face again, or claws in my skin.

He took me to a small village. It was way too quiet. "Let's see what kind of damage you can do!" Fenrir said when another man showed up. "This is my friend... his name doesn't matter, he will keep an eye on you. I can't do that while I have to transition myself."

The man stepped out of the shadows and his face became clear. I had never seen him before. I felt an itchy feeling on my arms and my jaw started to hurt.
I felt the bone in my leg break multiple times. It was horrible. And with a blink of an eye I had a different vision. That is when my memory faded.

I woke up inside a barn that was completely torn apart. Fenrir walked in. His friend threw a blanket at me. I covered myself up and heard them talking. "She tore apart this whole barn on her own?"

"Yes, you were on the other side of the village. The house next to the barn is also completely destroyed."

Fenrir stared at me with a proud and satisfied smirk. "Good girl." He grabbed my arm and withing a few seconds I was back in the dark and cold room. The door shut and I was alone again.

The candle was brigter than before. I saw some clothes on the ground and put them on. I used the old ones to clean my cuts and scratches. I tore the sleeves off of my old sweater and put them around the deep cuts that were still bleeding. I didn't remember anything from being in my wolf form, only the pain I had to endure before I shifted stayed in my memory.

Some wounds were scratches, others seemed self-inflicted. Like my wolf side was fighting itself. I fell asleep after taking care of my wounds and didn't wake up for at least nine hours.

I woke up from a loud banging noise. I looked up and there was a small hole in the wall that was getting bigger. Fenrir talked throug it. "Appartenly you need sunlight to stay healthy. Then he felt again.

(Word count: 980)


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