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The second task would take place today. Harry was really nervous and kept asking everyone if they thought he would make it. Cedric seemed more calm about it.

After a few hours we watched the four students jump into the water. It took a while for everyone to come back up. Fleur didn't manage to save her sister. Harry brought her up instead. I felt George his stare focussed on me. I looked up to him a few times and got a smile back. Fred just kept smirking at us.

The rest of the year went by pretty normal. George and I went on as we used to but flirted a lot more, nothing else happend, no first kiss, nothing. I liked where we were at right now. To be completely honest I didn't think I was ready to be in a relationship yet. I was packing my things to go back home.

Like I said, everything was pretty normal. Until the last task took place. Everyone was still a bit traumatized from Cedric's death. I didn't know him that well but I remember a smal salty tear running down my cheek and two concerned twins dragging me away from the stands.

Molly said we would spend almost the whole summer at 12 Grimmauld place. Mr. Weasley told us the house belongs to Sirius Black, Harry's godfather. I was currently packing my trunk in my dorm with my roommates. Angelina was done and sat down on her bed. Katie was stressed about a bracelet she lost, but we found it later.

When all of us were done packing we went back to the cozy common room and sat down by the fire. We mostly talked about how fast the year had passed and what all of us had planned for this summer.

When we arrived at Kings Cross I spotted the twins being pulled into a tight hug from their mother. She yelled my name when she saw me and pulled me into a warm and welcoming hug. I said goodbye to Katie and Angelina and we went back home.

Once we arrived at the burrow I went up to my room to take a short nap. I was tired and had no energie left inside my body. I drifted away fast.

I was woken up by Fred and George shaking me to the left and right. I heard them mention something about
dinner being ready, but the moment they left I drifted back so sleep.

I woke up again at two in the moring and went downstairs to get some water. It was quiet until I heard footsteps approace.

I looked around without seeing anyone. There was a less tall figure coming closer. The red haired girl stepped out of the shadows. "Hey Gin. Couldn't sleep?" She sat down on a chair and shook her head from the left to the right and repeated the action a few times. "So, you and George huh?"

"No, not ye- No..."

"Come on. Everyone can see how crazy you two are about eachother. Exept for Ron, but he is just oblivious." I chuckled at her comment and swallowed the class of water. I felt a weird pain in my head and the last thing I remembered was collapsing onto the ground.

I woke up in something that smelled like a hospital. I heard concerned voices surround me. I wanted to open my eyes or mouth to let them know I was okay but I couldn't. "Do you think she will ever wake up?" A voice that sounded like Ron spoke.

"Shut up Ron! She will!" George his formilliar voice spoke. Then I felt a warm and soft hand getting a hold of mine. "We need you back Y/n. I need you back." He whispered to me.

Without realising my my eyes shot open. And there were some gasps around me. "Hey love, how do you feel."

"S-sleepy." I muttered. There was some laugther around me. The grip on my hand tightned. "What happend?" I asked.

"At first no one knew. The healers here at St Mungo's couldn't find anything when we brought you here. You just collapsed and didn't wake up for a week." Molly told me. "They think it was some kind of terrible fever."

"When am I allowed to go home?"

"They will check if everything is okay in a moment and then we can take you home." Arthur spoke. "I will go back to Sirius, see how he is doing." Remus whispered to Arthur, like they didn't want anyone to hear it. "What is wrong with Sirius?"

"Nothing, he is just... he is really... exhausted from cleaning the whole house..." and after that Remus dissapeard. George sat down next to me. "Y/n, I can't wait any longer. Let me take you on a date. I know you said you weren't ready for a relatiomship yet, and of course I respect that. But just let me take you out." He was still holding my hand. "You can take me on a date."

His face lit up a his smile grew bigger. "First you need to get better." He told me in his concerned voice. "I'm fine Georgie, really." He just shook his
head and smiled. The healers asked him to leave so they could check on me. He didn't want to but did it anyways.

After I wad checked out we didn't go back to the burrow. We arrived at a row of small appartments. Suddenly the houses started to move and shake.

Another house that looked a little darker than the others appeard. "What are you all waiting for? Go inside." Arthur spoke.

We entered the house and Remus greated us all. Everyone entered the room that looked like a kitchen. I wanted to walk through the door but Remus stopped me. "Y/n, we need to talk." I nodded and just before he pulled me away I saw Sirius give me a glance.

"What is it Proffesor Lupin?" I asked my old professor.

"Oh please, call me Remus. It is about Sirius. You do know that he is innocent, right?" He looked concerned in some way. "Yes, of course I do. Why?"

"I just wanted to know. You can go now." I walked away with confusion and entered the room. The eyes of every adult present looked at me like I was a ghost. I ignored it.

I reconized professor Moody, well... the real Moody. Molly was in the kitchen and Remus went to talk to a pink haired woman. After they spoke she walked up to me. "Sorry for staring at you like that earlier. I'm Nymphadora Tonks, but I would appreciate it if you would just called me Tonks." I nodded at her.

"I'm Y/n, Minerva Mcgonagalls niece." She smiled and sat down again. I was dragged away by Fred and George and sat down in between them. Sirius kept giving me a scared look. Like he thought I was about to murder him.

(Word count: 1182)


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