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I reconized professor Moody, well... the real Moody. Molly was in the kitchen and Remus went to talk to a pink haired woman. After they spoke she walked up to me. "Sorry for staring at you like that earlier. I'm Nymphadora Tonks, but I would appreciate it if you would just called me Tonks." I nodded at her.

"I'm Y/n, Minerva Mcgonagalls niece." She smiled and sat down again. I was dragged away by Fred and George and sat down in between them. Sirius kept giving me a scared look. Like he thought I was about to murder him.

"Y/n dear, can you help Ginny set the table? Ron, can you help me put the food on the table?" All of us nodded and walked into the kitchen. Ginny and I put the plates on the table.

Exept for the creepy stares I got from Sirius dinner was lovely, I have lived with the Weasleys almost my whole life and Molly's cooking still suprised me every time. After dinner George and I went upstairs to play wizarding chess in the room he shared with Fred. After a while Fred and Ginny joined the room too. They ate some candy while Fred cheered George on. Ginny was on my side. George won but he didn't brag about it as he usually did.

Weeks passed, and the end of summer break was coming closer. George officially asked me on a date yesterday and he wanted to go today. After breakfast he dragged me away from everyone.
"Let's go." He whispered in my ear.

"I need to change first Georgie, and shower." He sighed. "Fine, but hurry up." It was sweet how exited he was about it. I rushed to the bathroom, put the shower on and grabbed some clothes while the water was warming up. I hopped under the shower and let the warm water flood over my body. I washed my hair and dryed my hair with a towel. It would be so much easier if I would finally be allowed to use magic outside of school. I came downstairs and was pulled away by George. "You look gorgeous." He whispered in my ear. I felt shivers over my body and smiled when he kissed my cheek.

"Ready love?" I nodded and he took my arm. We apparated to a bright green grass field filled with beautiful flowers. Besides the sounds of birds and other small animals it was quiet and peacefull. "George, this place is beautiful." He smiled at me with pride. He took a hold of my hand and dragged me to a blanket that was layed out on the grass. "Fred and I had to put stones in the corners, the blanket kept being dragged away with by wind." He laughed the moment he realised he could have just used magic to keep it in place.

We sat down and talked a lot. About past memories, family and friends, what we would expect for our futures to bring us. "So your birthday is coming up oy! Going to take your apparatuur exam?" I nodded. "Would be nice not to have to hop along with you and Fred all the time, or fly by broom." I joked. His hand was playing with the ring on my finger. "Where did you get this? I have never seen you with it before." He asked me while lifting my hand up and taking a better look at it.

"Remus and Sirius gave it to me last night. Told me it belonged to my grandmother." I replied. He let go of the ring and looked at me. "I know you said you weren't ready for a relationship and everything, but... nevermind."

I took his hand again and with my other hand I softly lifted up his chin. "What is it George?" He cupped my face with his hand and drew small circles on my cheek. "I don't want to wait any longer Y/n, I'm sorry if that is selfish... but seeing you in that hospital..."

"George- I... I'm fine."

"Yes, now you are. But seeing you like that..." he paused for a moment. "I get that you're not ready yet, I really do, but can I- atleast..."

"Ask me George, what is it?"

"Can I kiss you?" A smile appeard on my face. "You, George Weasley, and you alone, have permission to kiss me." I joked. He didn't hesitate for a second and his lips met mine. Is was a short peck, nothing more. "Really Weasley? That's all you got?" He turned crimson and I leaned back in and kissed him. It was longer and more passionate. I felt him asking for permission and opened my mouth a little.

After a while he pulled back.
"Was that... okay?..."

"George Fabian Weasley, insecure?" I joked. I saw him crack a small smile. "It was perfect Georgie." He relaxed again. I was getting tired but I didn't want to go home yet. "You look tired, do you want to go back?" I shook my head.

"I am way to happy here." He smiled and pulled me into his chest. We both fell asleep. I woke up from a weird sound. I crawled out of his arms and found a squirrel stealing our left over food. I chuckled and stared at the small creature.

George woke up too. "What was that sound?" Then he noticed the small animal picking things out of the food. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Let's leave the food for our little friend here and take the rest of the stuff back."

I nodded and helped his clean up. We apparated back to 12 Grimmauld place and cleaned up everything. Again Molly yelled through the house about dinner being ready. I used to love dinner with the Weasleys and Remus. Tonks was really nice too, but Sirius kept staring at me. Like he thought I had an alternative motive. It was like there were many things he wanted or needed to tell me but couldn't.

That night I stayed up because I couldn't sleep and decided to go downstairs for some water. I snuck out of the room without waking up Ginny and Hermione. Just when I wanted to open the door to the room attached to the kitchen I heard people argue.

"I want to tell her Remus, she deserves to know!" That was definetly Sirius speaking. "You can't! Your life is too unpredictible right now! Let it go Padfoot!" Remus spoke back. Who were they talking about?

"She needs family! I am her family! She deserves to know!" Sirius shouted back.
Then Tonks her voice interupted.
"Sirius has a point Remus." Remus sighed. "You have to wait a little longer Padfoot."

I heard footsteps coming my way. I had behind a wall and saw an annoyed Sirius pass me. I tried to stay quiet but the old house wouldn't let me. The floor underneath me cracked and Sirius looked back. I pushed myself closer to the wall and relaxed when I heard him leaving the hallway.

When I was sure he was gone I went back up and laid down. I couldn't sleep after what I heard. Who could they possibly be talking about? Not Hermione right? Her parents are both muggles... did they adopt her!? I couldn't exactly ask anyone. They would know I had easdropped.

(Word count: 1232)


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