˜"*°•.˜"*°• My Homie •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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Ship: Drake (Jake x Drew)
Genre: Fluff with small Angst?
~Drew's P.O.V~
"Babe! Please it's not what it looks like!" "OH, REALLY? IT'S NOT LIKE I JUST SAW YOU WITH ANOTHER PERSON!" I immediately storm off trying not to cry. Is this what she's been up to lately? Cheating on me with another person.. I thought I could trust her well it's over..

~Narrator P.O.V~
Drew was power walking out of the school meanwhile he past his friends, Liam,Henry,and Jake.
"Oh, hey Drew!" Drew didn't even listen to Jake's *Hello* he just left because of how devastated he was since his girlfriend just cheated on him. "What's wrong with him?" Henry asked. Before they could reply they saw Zoey past by with a not so good look on her face which was actually guilt.

"Hey Zoey!" Zoey turned around to see the group. "What do you want..." With a pinch of guilt in her tone. "What's up with Drew? I just said hi and he ignored us and left?" Jake told Zoey. Zoey stayed silent for a while just looking at the floor while a tear ran down her cheek.

"I- Everything is totally f-fine!.. Just leave me alone you annoying people!.." She said while raising her voice up a little while she just stormed off to the girl's bathroom. The group of friends just looked at each other and shrugged.

They saw Lia pass by and decided to ask her since she is close with Zoey. "Hey Lia~" "Shut up Henry it's not a good time for that.." Liam told him with a serious tone. "Alright-" "What is it?" Lia asked. "We notice Drew pass by but he didn't respond and Zoey won't tell us either, were just worried.." He said in a worried tone. Lia stayed silent for a while and sighed.

"Drew caught her cheating on him with someone else." Lia said firmly while looking at them. They were shocked since well he finally realized, but can't believe what just happen. "Thank you Lia." Jake said while he immediately left to go find Drew. "You're welcome- Wait where are you going?!" Jake ignored them while he sprint outside of the building trying to find, Drew.

~Jake's P.O.V~
I was looking around for a while trying to find Drew. It took him a while to realize Zoey was actually cheating on him but at the same time I felt really bad.

After a while at looking around at the point I was about to give up, but then I heard crying noises behind the school building. I then quickly realized that was Drew so I went to see and was right there he was curled up into a ball on the floor crying.

"Drew.." I told him. He looked up at me and quickly wiped his tears away. "W-what do you want! Leave me alone, Jake.." He told me in a sour but weak tone. "Hey it's okay.. I heard what happen. I know it's tough but I'm here for you.." He stayed silent for a while but then I lend my hand to him and he responded back by grabbing it.

"Come.." I said as I opened my arms(hUg) "Jake.. You can't be serious.." "C'mon it'll make you feel better" He just sternly looked at me but it didn't took him long to accept it and he hugged me while I did the same.

"I thought I was just a homie like the rest of the group?.." Drew said while looking at me. "Well.. You can be my Homie." I told him which made him embarrassed. "JAKE!? Are you serious?!" He said as he let go and playfully punched my arm while I just chuckled.
Okay that's it for the first one shot! Have a good day! Byeee ^^

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