🌧Rainy Day 🌧

908 13 7

Members: Mr. Austin,Mrs. Wickham,Hailey,Zander, and Bethany (aNd Luke)
Theme: Family with a tiny bit of Lander

The morning has arrived and the Austin/Wickham family has woken up, let's check on them?

- Insert morning music-

"GIVE ME THE CEREAL BOWL, NOW." "NO YOU GET IT ON YOU'RE OWN!" Hailey yelled at Zander. "You TWO. Stop yelling and you're both punished, and Hailey just get him the cereal bowl you know how he is." Shanon [Mr.s Wickham] said annoyed. Both Zander and Hailey stick their tongues at each other while Hailey just gave his weird European step-brother the stupid cereal bowl.

"Look who finally is awake." Micheal [Mr. Austin] said while looking at Bethany. She was still in her pj's while she walked up to the table to sit down. "Yeah, morning lazy bum." Zander said while eating his cereal following with a slight chuckle coming from Hailey.

Bethany just gave a death stare, "Well at least I'm not a classical music weirdo like you." She said while she was pouring her milk on the cereal that was in the bowl. Hailey just burst out in laughter while both their parent's tried to keep their laughter in.

Zander just looked at her offended. He just crossed his arm's and looked away from his now so very annoying little sister.

The morning started off well- Interesting to say so-


Bethany was playing outside while she felt a rain drop that she fell fall in her forehead. She was confused then more and more fell from the sky. "Bethany sweetheart, get in! It's raining." She heard her mother say so she ran in before she can get even more wet.

So the day was basically raining a LOT. The Wickham/Austin family loved doing this weird thing like karaoke or something when it's always raining, while Zander will usually locked himself in his room because he doesn't want to deal with this total nightmare.

<Zander's P.O.V>


Luke: Hey Zander!

Hello, Luke. :Zander

Luke: Soo.. What are you doing right now?

Ugh..Nothing much I am just living a nightmare right now. :Zander


*Luke 🧡🐶🥜 Has gone Offline*

"Great.." Zander thought to himself, Luke has when offline so now he has no one to talk too while he can just hear the rest of his family members singing downstairs.

A couple of minutes past while the family downstairs still singing there heart's out while Zander,constantly banging his head on the frame of his bed while at the same time it was pouring outside it felt like endless amount of rain.

Out of no where.. Someone rang the doorbell, 2 times. Mrs. Wickham was confused and she looked outside the window and her eyes widen. She quickly opened the door and the rest of the family members peeked to see who it was and is was no one but, Luke.

"Luke! What are you doing here? Zander didn't tell us you we're coming!" Mrs. Wickham said in shocked. Before Luke could even answer, Zander came downstairs. "Who was it?-" Zander's eyes widen. "Luke?! You're soaking wet! Of goodness.. Come." Zander said in anger while he dragged Luke to his room. The rest of the family looked confused though.

<With Luke and Zander>

"You idiot! Why did you do that?" Zander said angrily while drying Luke's hair with a towel. "Well you texted me you we're living a nightmare, and I-" "You got concerned?" Zander replied. Luke nodded back while Zander just sighed. "Just- Don't do that again." "Alright Zander, and yes that was a stupid action of mine." Luke chuckled.

Zander and Luke then layed on bed listening to some classical music that Zander likes, and cuddling at the same time. After a while Luke drifted off to sleep laying his head on Zander's shoulder. Zander played with his boyfriend's hair that reminded him of autumn times. Zander leaned in and peck Luke on his cheek while laying next to him.


"Hailey?" Shanon said while looking at Hailey. "Yes mom?" She responded while placing her cup of hot chocolate on the small table that was in front of her. "Where is Zander." "Oh! He's upstairs.." She paused then chuckled, "Asleep, cuddling with his "precious" boyfriend, Luke." She said while giggling a bit. Shanon looked at Hailey then a small smile formed on her face. "Okay then, Let's not bother them."

When Luke and Zander woke up, he told him that he should head home. Luke agreed and Zander gave him a spare umbrella so he wouldn't get as wet like he arrived. Zander and Luke shared a small kiss while Luke left.

"Now that brother Zander is awake, can we make music!!" Bethan said cheerfully. The rest agreed so they went to there music room while Zander and his mom played the piano while Hailey was on her guitar and Mr. Austin was singing. Bethan since she didn't knew how to play any instruments yet she just danced around.

They spend a while like that together ya'know some family bonding time!

The afternoon came and they ate dinner and got ready to go sleep since it was about that time. While Mrs. Wickham tucked in Bethany in her bed, Zander and Hailey were already in theirs. Zander was texting Luke goodnight while Hailey was fast asleep..


The morning arrived and outside it was wet but it stopped raining. Bethany happily skipped to their backyard jumping into the puddles that we're still there from last night.

The it was normal like always, the club got to do another practice at Hailey's and Zander's house. While Shanon and Micheal we're doing some house chores. While Bethany was also at her friend's Heather's house having another play date.


Thank you! Sorry for the lack of one shots haha- Well have a good day/night byee! ^^ [Lmao srry if there are frikin words that are written badly the beginning was written a while ago LMAO- bye.]

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