Past was Forgotten

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Character's: Zoey and Milly
Genre: Angst?-
AU, friend betrayal.

*7 Years Ago*

"C'mon Zoey! You're so slow! *giggles" "Wait up, Milly!"  Zoey and Milly we're the best of friends, they we're always there by each other's side no matter what.

Zoey was at her house until she heard the doorbell ring. She immediately knew who that was and jumped of her bed, put her shoes on and quickly ran to open the door and saw her best friend Milly.

"Milly! Mommy, I'm going to Milly's house to go play!" She yelled from outside. "Okay sweetheart, be back by 2 hours!" Milly and Zoey we're so happy to see each other. They quickly went to Milly's house and they started playing like they always do.

-------4 Months Later-------

"I don't want to be in different classes... I want to be with you!" Milly whined. "Me too, but I promise we'll hang out at lunch and recess!" Zoey replied cheerfully which made Milly smile.

Everyday Milly invited Zoey over to hang out because nothing can ruined they're greatest and best friendship.

"Look! I made you this gift!" Milly said as she showed the drawing she made for Zoey. "I love it! I also made you one!" She said while giving it to Milly. "I will cherish this forever!" 

-Skip to 4/5th Grade-

Milly excitedly went to go knock on Zoey's door so they can play like they always do. "Hello?" Milly questioned. Instead of Zoey opening up it was her mother. "Oh hello, Zoey's in her room!"  "Okay thank you!"  Milly came inside and went to Zoey's room and behind the door she could hear Zoey talking to someone.

"Hi, Zoey!" Milly said while she opened the door.  "Oh hey..!" Zoey said, "I'm in a call with my other friends." "Oh, I just wanted to ask if we can-"  "Leave, Zoey doesn't want to be you're friend anymore, brat." One of the girls said that Milly can hear over the phone. Milly was in shock and they're we're tears in her eyes and she ran out.

A few days later Zoey tried to explain she was joking and all.

Months passed they're relationship started getting bad and toxic. Zoey was only starting to care about popularity and money and clothing. Zoey started getting bored hanging around Milly the whole time. Excuses here and there came around always.

"You should change you're clothing it's you know.. Ugly." Zoey said while she was looking at Milly disgusted. Her other friends we're laughing by Zoey's comment while Milly just felt horrible.

Milly slowly found out that Zoey is moving away and won't be her neighbor anymore. She wasn't sad at all, she was glad and she wanted to end that horrible friendship once and for all.

When Zoey was about to leave to her house Milly took her chance and yelled, "WE'RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!"  Milly was clear that Zoey got the message and she was finally glad that they won't be friends no longer.

*Present Day*

Milly was walking down the school halls until she heard some giggles coming from behind her. She shrugged it off but before she knew it someone tripped her, and that person was no one but Zoey. That evil girl Milly got up and just ignored it and left.

Since the day Milly ended the friendship with Zoey they've been in each other's throats always, but what was more important to her is that she's better without Zoey because whatever happened in the past that was Forgotten.


Fun fact! The past thing was actually inspired by what happened to me 2 years ago.

Okay! Hope you enjoy have a good day or night wherever you are and byee!

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