❤My Husband ❤

979 13 14

Ship: Jander (Jake x Zander)
Genre: Fluff
(Btw they're married in this one shot ;) )
"Jake!" Zander said while panting trying to keep up with Jake. "Ha! Nope, try to catch up shortie!" Zander got offended of that comment and immediately sprinted and catch up with him in no time.

"Woah Zander- STOP-" But Zander ignored him and jumped onto Jake's back having his arms around his neck and legs around his waist while Jake trying to stay balanced on both of his feet.

"Zander what was that for?" Jake asked curiously. "That's what you get for trying to run off and for calling me short when I'm obviously aren't." Jake just chuckled and tried to put Zander down before he was stopped.

"Uhm- Zander I need to put you down." Zander groaned and held on tighter to him trying to not let go of the peach blonde haired man. "No.. I want to be on here a little bit more longer."

Jake sighed and agreed to it and just walked to the near by bench that was there at Saisy's Park. Jake took Zander off his back and placed him next to him on the bench.

Zander got closer to Jake and placed his head on his significant other's shoulder. Jake rapped his arm around Zander and put his head against the periwinkle eye man that was snuggling against Jake's sweater also.

A little while passed by and Zander was almost falling asleep while the sun was staring to set. Jake pecked Zander's forehead while the smaller boy just replied with blush forming on his cheeks.

"Zander?" Jake asked while adjusting Zander. "Yeah.." He replied. "We should be heading home soon, it's getting late honey.." Zander groaned while ignoring his husband and cuddling up more.

"A little longer.. Please babe.." Zander replied in a tired tone. Jake sighed and just gave up and agreed, it was getting colder so Jake took off his sweater and put it on Zander so his shorter husband wouldn't get cold, and plus Jake told himself he wasn't that cold.


Over an hour passed and the married couple fell asleep on the bench. Jake woke up and realized they we're still on there and he checked the time and it was 10:34 p.m [22:34 p.m] Jake was shocked and was about to wake up Zander but saw how comfortable his husband was so he just didn't.

Jake just simply scooped up Zander carrying him bridal style and marched home while Zander was still asleep.


When they arrived to there home Jake went to his and Zander's room but while he was heading there his lovely husband woke up. "J..Jake?.." Zander yawned while looking up at his husband. "Well look who woke up, we had to head home since we fell asleep and it's late." Zander realized he was being carried but he didn't say anything since he was enjoying it.

Both men we're in their room. Both have already changed and got ready. Zander was already laying in bed while Jake quickly turned of the lights and went to go lay next to Zander.

Zander quickly moved closer to him and snuggled into Jake's chest. Jake sweetly gave him a kiss on the forehead while Zander just started drifting off to sleep.

Jake yawned and looked at Zander one more time thinking to himself, "I love you Zander so much.. I'm lucky to have you as my husband" He then started to close his eyes and go to sleep.


And look at that.. Hm, wow Andrea.. I thought you didn't "like" Jander since it's "wEiRd" Okay off guard, I FREAKING LOVE JANDER NOW- XD I got carried away writing this since I loved it so much. And yes I did make Jake and Zander married because YES this is one shot is now on my favorite list since YES. Okay, bye bye!

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