𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮

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Ship: Druke (Drew x Luke)
Genre: Fluff
Requested: Itz_MoonliglxhtChan

-Drew's P.O.V-
Everytime when he pass by I always have this feeling in me. That boy, Luke. Yes, I have bullied him and the club for years but I apologized to them. After all of that I gained feelings for him and I really wanted to tell him how I felt but I feel like he won't because of all the incidents that happened.

-Narrator's P.O.V-
The four friends went to their lunch period and sat down where they usually sat at. While Henry was talking about his weird lettuce fantasy Jake looked at Drew and noticed something was off about him so he decided to ask him. "Drew?" Jake said which got Drew's attention and looked back at him. "Oh, yes Jake?.." "Uhm.. I've noticed that recently that you've been acting strange." Drew just stayed silent and looked down. "You can tell me! Where best buds" Drew looked back up again to look at Jake and the other two.

"Fine I'll tell you." Jake, Henry, and Liam looked at Drew ready to listen. Before Drew could say anything you can notice a bit of blush appeared on his face. "L-luke.. I know it's ridiculous since I bullied him but I like him.." "I need help to confess to him..but I'm afraid he won't accept them.." Jake and the others started whispering something to each other then looked back at Drew. "We understand bro! Were here for you!" Liam said looking at Drew which made him smile. "You get out there and tell him! He will understand, Luke is an understanding guy! And plus who wouldn't reject you." Jake said while putting his arm around Drew's shoulder. They were talking and encouraging Drew with his feelings and on how he was going to do it.

-2 days Later-

The first day failed because Drew got to nervous but this was the day, he was going to tell Luke how he feels for him. The school day passed by and by the help of Jake also.

 Jake told Luke to go behind the school building because someone wanted to talk to him. The day passed by fast like a jet and Drew was nervous but Jake helped him calm down. Drew was waiting behind the school building and then he saw Luke coming. "Hello, is anyone here?-" Luke said walking around. Drew took a deep breath and started talking, "Um, Luke?.." said Drew with a blushing face.

 Luke turned around and saw the magenta haired boy and smiled, "Oh hi Drew! Jake told me to go back here-" he said while chuckling. Drew sighed and looked back at Luke, "I told him to do that.." He paused for a second but started talking again, "Luke.. I've been wanting to tell you this for a while I-.." Luke looked at Drew and started getting worried, "Huh? What's wrong?-" Drew couldn't talk properly because he was so nervous and plus was also blushing a lot. "I l-like you.. it's fine if you don't accept my feelings! I completely understand because I've been a huge jerk in the pa-" before he can even continue he felt Luke hugging him which made him even turn more red-

"I don't understand...?! I bullied you and the club for years?!" Drew said while a tear starting forming in his eye. "I forgive you a long time ago! and I kind of did started developing feelings for you.." Luke said with a bit of blush starting appearing on his cheek. Luke pulled Drew away and looked at him in the eyes. "I love you to Drew.." he said as he gave a peck of Drew's lips. They broke away from the kiss  and looked at each other. Drew started crying a bit, "What does this mean between us now?.." "I guess we're lovers then?.." "How would you tell this to the club, I'm pretty sure you're friend Zander still doesn't like me-" "I'll tell them when you're ready." They looked at each other smiling. "It's now just You and Me."

Okay! That's it I know the title makes no SENCE AT ALL BECAUSE I SUCK AT TITLES- but I hope you enjoyed! Byee! ^^

(702 Words)

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