🧡*°• Peanut Butter To My Jelly •°*💜

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Ship: Lander (Luke x Zander)
Genre: Fluff
~Narrator's P.O.V~
"Lukeyyyyy" Zander said while tugging on Luke's arm. "Yeah?" He replied but cuddling closer to him. Luke and Zander have been dating for a while so they don't get that embarrassed like in the past. "I'm hungry" "Well, come let's make something then!" Zander immediately jumped off the couch and sprinted to the kitchen. "Alright!"

They were both in the kitchen while Luke was looking around to see what he could make. "Well, there's not that many things but how about a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich?" "Whatever you make, I like it" Zander replied while giving a peck on Luke's cheek. "Hehe, alright."

Luke pulled out the items he was going to use to make the sandwich. "I wanna help" Zander said while getting close to Luke. "Alright!" Zander grabbed the Grape jelly and opened it while Luke did the same but with the Peanut Butter. While Luke was spreading the Peanut Butter on the bread, Zander got a bit of Grape Jelly and put in his mouth.

Luke then looked back at Zander and saw some Grape Jelly near his mouth. He cleaned it with his finger and put the Jelly in his mouth which turned Zander into a blushing mess. "L-luke?! Why did you do t-that?!?!" Zander said while stuttering because he couldn't talk properly after that incident. "There was a bit of Jelly there so I cleaned it for you! Luke said with a smile on his face.

Zander was still blushing but he just continued and started placing the Jelly on the bread. They then put the bread together and made another one so they can both have one.

They were sitting on the couch looking at a
tv show while at the same time eating there sandwiches. Luke looked at the sandwich then back at Zander, "You know.." Zander then looked at Luke confused. "What?" Zander said.

"The sandwich reminds me of us!" Luke said while Zander was still confused. "The Peanut Butter represents me and the Jelly represents you!" Luke said in a cheery tone while smiling.

That made Zander blush like crazy, "W-well yeah.." Zander said looking at the sandwich then back at Luke." Luke then continued eating his sandwich.

"Hey, Luke." "Yes, Zander?" Zander was blushing but then told him, "You're the Peanut Butter to my Jelly.." Zander said while looking down. Luke blushed and smiled while quickly placing a caring kiss on Zander's cheek.


This is an old one shot I wrote a long time ago but I was focusing on other one's more- but have a good day or night byee!!!

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