💐¿Love Me Back?💐

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Ship: Milliot (Milly x Elliot)
Genre: Fluff
Requested: simplyleahxx

Elliot asked Milly to go to the park with her and of course Milly agreed. She thought they we're going as friends but she was wrong.

A few minutes later Elliot knocked on her door and waited for the door to open until he saw Milly open the door. "Elliot!" Milly cheered as she went to go hug him. "H-hi, Milly!" Elliot replied while returning that embrace.

"So where are we going?" She asked while putting her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. "Um, The park. I have a picnic planned out for us!" Elliot said while having a bit of blush on his cheeks. "Okay, Eli!" Milly replied. Elliot's face quickly turned red after that nickname he was just given.

They then arrived at the park and Elliot set up the blanket and placed the basket so they can eat and talk for a while before Elliot planned to tell Milly something. "Wow, this is amazing so how about we dig in?" Milly said while she let out a small giggle. Elliot nodded back while blushing a bit.

They ate and we're talking for a while until Milly was on her phone and Elliot took that time to quickly make a flower crown and grabbed some flowers for her because he planned something very special for her.

Milly then felt someone poking on her elbow she turned around to face Elliot, "Yes, Eli?" She asked. "Um.. Can you come Milly?" He said while his face was heating up. Milly agreed and she stood up and followed him.

Elliot grabbed Milly's hands and looked at her into her eyes while blushing. He then grabbed the flower crown and placed it on her head. "Wow! Thank you!" Milly said while blushing a bit. "You're welcome.. and I got these flowers for you!.." Elliot said while getting nervous. Milly grabbed them and took a sniff of them while smiling.

Elliot took a deep breath before he opened his mouth, "Milly I've been wanting to tell you this for a while..I-" Elliot said struggling to get the words out of his mouth. "Yes, Elliot?-" Milly said with a worried tone in her voice.

"I-.. I'm in love with you!.." Elliot said while blushing so much. Milly looked at him and started blushing as well before she let go of the flowers and hugged Elliot. "I love you too.." She replied. Elliot hugged her back and then they looked at each other and gave each other a passionate kiss. They then broke apart and looked at each other.

"I'm glad you love me back.." Elliot said.


Okay this was alright! Okay everybody have a good day or night wherever you are in this world, goodbye!

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