Chapter 17

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Raph's POV

I followed Leo's plan.

Leo attacked Tiger Claw, and I went straight for Splinter.

While Tiger Claw was distracted with Leo, I ripped the chain out of Tiger Claw's hand!

"No!" Tiger Claw yelled.

"Lets go! We'll untie Splinter later!" Leo demanded.

He was right. There was no time to untie Splinter now.

I put Splinter on my shoulder and followed Leo.

"We'll get Mikey now!" Leo said.

I nodded my head.

I looked off the building.

"Oh no!" I cried.

"What's wrong Raph?"

I pointed down at the ground.

Mikey found Shredder!

Mikey's POV

We didn't talk much longer.

Shredder tried to attack me.

What was I thinking?

We've lost before as a team.

Now I go alone thinking I can survive!

I swing my nunchucks at him.

He blocks it.

I repeat the move.

He blocks it again.

He swings his blade near my face.

I dodged it just in time.

But by the time I'm about to make a move, he cuts my arm.

It wasn't deep.

If anything I'd say it's a scratch.

"You fight weakly." Shredder says as he swings his blade at me.

I dodge it by doing a backflip.

I hit him in the leg.

It did no damage.

It wasn't too long until Rahzar joined us.

They both attacked me at the same time.

I fell on my back.

Before I stood up, I saw Shredder's blade approaching.

He held it above my neck.

"Make no sudden moves." Shredder demanded.

I threw a ninja star at him.

What did I just do?

How stupid am I?

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