Chapter 1

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Leo's POV

"Hey Leo, do we have any of that pizza left?" Mikey asked me.

"No I ate it." I explained.

"I didn't even get a piece!" Donnie exclaimed.

"We'll that's what happens when you only order ONE pizza." Raph said hinting that one isn't enough for the four of us.

"Hey Donnie." I said. "Do you wanna go train?"

"Sure why not." Donnie replied.

We walked to the training room.
I got my katanas out.

"Last turtle standing wins?" I asked.
"Last turtle standing wins." Donnie confirmed.

Donnie struck his Bo Staff at me.
I dodged the attack.

"Nice try." I said.

I swung my katanas at him.
This first one missed him, but the second one didn't. He was still standing. He tried hitting me with his Staff, but I took a hold of it and flipped him over.

"Good effort." I told him.

He ignored me.

"Anyone else up for a fight?" I called out. It was silent.

"I'll take that as a no." I said to myself.
It was 9:00pm.
"Who wants to come with me on late
night portal?" I asked.

"9:00 isn't late." Raph said.

"Does it really matter?" I asked him.

"We'll..." Raph started.

"I'll come." Mikey said.

"Thank you Mikey for cooperating." I said.

"No problemo." Mikey said.

"We're going Sensei!" I called.

"Make sure to be home before 11:00!" Master Splinter called.
Out on the rooftops we went.

"Anything exciting happening?" Mikey asked.

"Crimes are not exciting!" I said.

"Well stopping them are." Mikey replied.

We sat on the edge of the rooftop.

"Nothing's happening." I said.
"It's getting late we should probably be heading back."

"Wait are those the purple dragons?" Mikey said pointing down."

I took a better look.

"I think they are! Lets stop them before they start any trouble!" I announced.

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