Chapter 9

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Leo's POV

Right away we started to fight.

Splinter went up against Shredder.

I went against Fishface.

Mikey went against Rahzar.

And Donnie went up against the foot ninjas.

There were about 50 foot ninjas.

And when Donnie finishes with them, he'll either help Mikey or I.

I was doing a good job against Fishface.

Soon enough, I threw him across the room!

He was having troubles getting up.

I helped Mikey with Rahzar.

And soon enough we took him down too!

"My sons." Splinter said. "Go find Raphael and take him home!"

I shook my head yes.

"C'mon!" I called.

Mikey and Donnie followed me.

We walked around.

We didn't know which room to go into.

Well not until we heard a scream coming for the room in front of us!

(Sorry that this one was a short chapter. But the next one will be longer. And I didn't want to make this one too long.)

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