Chapter 18

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Mikey's POV

I just threw a ninja star at Shredder.

I really should've thought this through.

Shredder told me no sudden moves.

But for some reason I didn't listen to him.

"Let him go!" I heard Leo cry.

Perfect timing, I thought.

Shredder turned his head.

"You got your master!" Shredder yelled in a shocked voice.

"Yeah, we do." Raph said.

"You will pay for this!" Shredder called.

He dragged his blade down my chest.

"Ow!" I yelled.

I started to bleed.

Leo pushed Shredder out of the ways.

"Let's get out of here!" Raph called.

He threw a smoke bomb on the ground.

Splinter just finished untying himself.

Raph picked me up and we got out of there!

Raph's POV

Finally, we were back in the lair.

Where we belong.

Mikey's bleeding, and Donnie's passed out.

The worst part is that it's my fault.

Leo bandaged Mikey up.

I sat by Donnie.

I wish I hadn't ran away.

We wouldn't have been in this situation.

We would all be alright.

But I let my temper control me again.

And this time I took it to the extreme.

Mikey said he was okay.

They all said that.

Well of course not Donnie though.

I hope that he'll be okay, and wakes up soon.

Three hours later he woke up.

"Donnie!" I yelled in excitement.

I hugged him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why happened?"

I explained everything to him.

"I kinda remember some of that." Donnie said.

"I'm glad you're awake." I said.

Later that night I called a meeting in the dojo.

"I want to apologize for all that happened. I take full responoeabillity for this. I should have never ran away in the first place. I let my anger take control of my actions. I'm sorry about this." I said.

"It's all cool, we all make mistakes." Mikey said.

"But you could of died!" I exclaimed.

"No this is my fault. You wouldn't have ran away if I didn't say anything about who's brothers and who's not." Donnie said.

"No, it's my fault. I agreed to not get mad, but I did."

"I forgive you." Leo said.

"Me too." Mikey said.

Splinter nodded his head, agreeing.

"I forgive you too Raph." Donnie said.

"That's why I love having you as brothers." I said.

Later on I realized that it didn't matter that I wasn't technically there brother. We all treated each other like we were. We didn't even mention anything about me not being there brother. I was stupid to run away. I had a perfect life! What more could I ask for? I had a place to live, some cool friends, a great father, and three awesome brothers. After that I learned how to control my anger. When ever I got mad, I thought of how my anger got the best of me last time. I didn't want anything like that to happen again. I was thankful to be alive. I probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for my brothers!

"You guys are the best. I'm lucky to have you as my brothers." I stated.

The end!

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