Chapter 5

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Leo's POV
It was 7:00am and Raph was in his room with the door shut as usual.
Only Donnie and I were awake.
I wanted to talk to him about it.
"Raph!" I called.
He ignored me.
That's when I realized the note.
"I'm leaving." I read.
I stared at the paper.
I didn't want to tell Donnie, because he'll think that it's his fault.
But he would have learned sooner or latter.
"Donnie." I said. "Can you please come here?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." He replied. "What is it?" Donnie asked.
He came to the door.
"I found this...on Raph's door." I said while passing him the note.
He unfolded it.
And read it.
"It's not your fault."I told him.
I know he wanted to believe me.
But I wasn't convinced that he did.
"I'll tell the others." I said.
I went to Mikey's room.
I knocked on the door to see if he was awake.
I went in.
"Mikey!" I called as I shook him.
He moaned.
"What are you doing!" He asked.
He looked as his clock.
"It's only 7:20am!"
I have some important news." I said.
"Well couldn't this news wait for another time?" He asked.
I didn't wan to argue with him.
So I broke the news.
"Raph ran away." I said.
"What?" He asked.
I looked away.
I think he was going to start crying.
I handed him the note.
"I went to talk to him, and I found this on the door."
"This is some kind of joke...right?" He asked.
"I wish it was." I told him.
"But I'm sure he'll come back." I said.
I'm not sure Mikey could agree with me."
"I'm gonna tell Splinter." I said and took the note.
I honestly have no idea how I'm going to tell sensei. I thought.

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