Xu Jiaqi

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Name: Xu Jiaqi

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Name: Xu Jiaqi


Facts:Xu Jiaqi is a president of student council.She is a basketball player.She also good at dancing, singing and raping.


Bestfriend:Dai Meng,Sun Rui,Xu Yangyuzhuo and Zhang Yuge.


Xu Jiaqi or Kiki is a president of student council at Youth Highschool or for short name Youth High.She's also good at dancing and a basketball player.She has been friends with Dai Meng and Sun Rui since she was born [ well maybe not Dai Meng since they are 7 years apart,but of course Dai Meng had known Xu Jiaqi since she born ] while she met Xu Yangyuzhuo and Zhang Yuge went she started kindergarden.She had known Yu Yan since she was little and will always stuck with her went she can.Yu Yan also would spoiled her.Such as taking Xu Jiaqi to ice cream after school or buy sweets for her.Yu Yan also kinda like Xu Jiaqi mother because took care almost everyday.Xu Jiaqi also has a bad immune system Up until now.Xu Jiaqi can't go outside wearing something that can make her cold , putting on an airconditioner to cold or playing in the rain.There's one time Xu Jiaqi got a cold because she was being bullied and the bully left her in the rain all by herself.When Xu Jiaqi got home Yu Yan immediately what happen instead of answering she hug Yu Yan and cried.Yu Yan was shocked when Xu Jiaqi hugged her but brush it of after seeing a lot of bruises on Xu Jiaqi belly,legs and hand she didn't got to see Xu Jiaqi face because Xu Jiaqi got back home while hanging her head low so Yu Yan couldn't see her face that full of bruises.After a while,Xu Jiaqi sleep in a embrace of Yu Yan.Hearing Xu Jiaqi not crying anymore Yu Yan immediately carried Xu Jiaqi to the couch to lay her down only to see a lot of bruises on Xu Jiaqi face and tried to touch Xu Jiaqi face only to welcome with a burning hot fever from Xu Jiaqi.Yu Yan immediately carried Xu Jiaqi to her bed and change Xu Jiaqi clothes since it was cold and wet.After changing Xu Jiaqi clothes Yu Yan immediately get a soaked cold towel and put it on top Xu Jiaqi's head and tugged the blanket on Xu Jiaqi and let her little fox to rest.

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