Chapter 2

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Yu Yan's Pov

After I done doing my work and placing the frame back to it place.I got up and go to Kong Xue'er,Anqi and Zhao Xiaotang office which is the same.I knock on the door and got in.

"Yu Yan.What are you doing here?"Kong Xue'er ask while looking at me.

"Yeah Yu Yan.What are doing here shouldn't you be at your office at this time?"Anqi said as she look at the clock.

"And aren't you guys busy?"I asked getting a awkward smile from them.

"Yeah we are but we're not busy now and planning on going to see Xu Jiaqi at the hospital."Zhao Xiaotang said not realising she told me she going to the hospital to see Xu Jiaqi.Anqi hit her head while Kong Xue'er just glare at her.After realising what happened she put her hand at mouth covering them.Not knowing that I already know about it.I just going to play with them a little.

"Who are you going to visit at the hospital?"I asked them.This is fun teasing them.

"No one!"Anqi said.

"Yeah no one!"Kong Xue'er said while Zhao Xiaotang nodded.

"Guys you know that I can fired you if you won't tell me it"I said sounding serious but actually I was just playing with them.

"No it really nothing we're not lying."Anqi said sounding scare of being fired.

"Oh and wheres Dai Meng and the others?"I said still teasing them.

"Umm.. Dai Meng she er.... is umm.. going to lunch! Yeah they are going having lunch."Anqi said stuttering at me.

"Yeah.. is that so?"

"Yeah.."Anqi said.

"You know if you really lie to me and I found out you guys really going to get fired."I said to them and tried to open the office door to get out went Kong Xue'er hold onto me.

"Yu Yan please don't fired us.Dai Meng and the others are at the hospital because Xu Jiaqi got bully and we forgot to tell you and we scare to tell you about it.Please don't fired the three of us."Kong Xue'er said and the others nodded and I just laugh because couldn't hold it anymore.

"Why are laughing Yan?"Zhao Xiaotang asked me.

"Yeah aren't you mad at us?"Anqi said.

"Well I didn't I just wanted to tease you about it because you forgot to tell me."I said while still laughing at them.

"And for your information Uncle Xu came here and tell me about Xu Jiaqi and what happened to Xu Jiaqi."I said after almost dying because of laughing at them.

"Huh?? Uncle Xu came here and told you something??"Anqi asked.

"Yeah he did."I said.

"What did he told you?"Zhao Xiaotang and Kong Xue'er said at the same time.

"I can tell you in the car."I said to them.

"Huh??Where are we going??"Kong Xue'er asked me.

"To the hospital , to see Xu Jiaqi."I told them.

"WHAT!??!"The three of them exclaimed to me.

"Guys please don't scream I already had heard enough of Dai Meng screaming at me when I call her to tell about going there."

"Ok fine.But why are you going to see her?You didn't see her for almost 8 years Yan, and all of the sudden you going to see her."Zhao Xiaotang said.

"Yeah why?? You didn't even bother to see her went she went to hospital a couple of time went you were busy."Kong Xue'er asked me.

"Yeah it's because none of you want to tell me about that."I said getting angry at them.

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