Hi this is my second book.Thank you for reading this story about Xu Jiaqi and Yu Yan.Please support my first book to which is 'I will protect you'.It's about Xu Jiaqi and Wu Zhehan which was one of the most popular cp in snh48.Eventhough it's techni...
We got home and I went I into Yu Yan Jiejie's room.I pack my book and ready to leave but before I leave I told Yu Yan Jiejie about it.
"Jiejie!I'm going over at Xu YangYuZhuo.I have to go and tutor her."I said to her.
"You just got home Xu Jiaqi.You're going out again?"She said.I just nodded my head.
"Ok then.But don't go home late.I want you here before 7 o'clock ok?"She said.
"Ok Jie."I said to her.
"You going to walk there?"She suddenly ask.
"Yes.It's not that far so walking is not going to be that long."I said.
"Ok.Better get home before 7 o'clock or else I'll punish you."Yu Yan Jiejie got up and whisper to me.My eyes widened and I just nodded.
"Good girl."Yu Yan Jiejie said as she patted my head.
Before I could move Yu Yan Jiejie get a hold of my chin and bring me closer to her.
"J-Jiejie what are doing."I said to her.
"You just remember.Don't be home late or else I'll punish you for the first time Xu Jiaqi."She said as she gave me a kiss on the head.
She let go of me and I was still in shock but I don't know what happened to me that my body started moving to the front door and I got out.I finally got to shake all of those things and goes to the base which is a place that is at the vending machine downstairs of the apartment.I use the code and the vending machine open and I got in.The thing started moving after the vending machine was closing.After a minute or so it finally stop and I got out.I immediately when in my office which is not that far and I found myself bumped into my mentor.
"Oh!Lisa Laoshi!"I said as I bowed down 90 degree it's my habit what can I change about it.
"Xiao Xu!Oh no need to be that formal."Lisa Laoshi said.
"And how are you?I heard that you got into the hospital last week."She said.
"I'm ok.It's just the wound is not healed yet but Wu Zhe ask me to come here and do a mission since there were no one can do the task since all of them is busy doing their other mission so it just left to me to do it."I said to her.
"Aw.. That's a bummer that you have to do it.It's ok I know you can handle it.But not with your injury is still not healed."Lisa Laoshi said.
"Don't worry Laoshi.I can do."I said to her.
"Ok then.But be careful Xiao Xu."Lisa Laoshi said as she patted my head and I nodded.
I waved goodbye to Lisa Laoshi and I got into my office.I look at the clock and saw that it was 6 o'clock.
'Oh shoot!! It's already 6!!I really have to get going and finish this before I get punish by Jiejie.'I said in my head as I groaned.
I make my way to the closet and change my outfit.
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