Chapter 15

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Xu YangYuZhuo Pov

Everyone of Xu Jiaqi Jiejie came running at the living room when Keran Jiejie called them.When they come all of them was shocked seeing Xu Jiaqi life-less in the hands of Keyin Jie.

"What the fuck happen?!?!"I heard Anqi Jie and Tang Jie yelled.

"Words please!You two!"Keyin Jie said to them and they mouthed sorry to her.

"So now tell us what happen."Yu Yan Jiejie said.Well we actually know that Yu Yan Jiejie have come back years ago cuz we saw her at this apartment.

"Well is like this.I was walking to our school when I saw our old seniors.So when they saw me they walked towards me and started to bully me so I kick one of them and make a run from them.They started to chase me so when I was close to Jiejie apartment I called Xu Jiaqi.After the call I found myself stuck in an aisle and that's when Xu Jiaqi came and throw a rock at one of them.When they saw Xu Jiaqi they ran towards her and leaving me.So I called Zhang Xin and tell everything that happened.When they finally came Sun Rui just happen to have a tracking device so we track Xu Jiaqi's phone and we saw her laying life-less in a dead end aisle.So we carried her here."I said to them.

"Wait you say you're old seniors right?"Meng Jie ask.

"Yeah I did."I said to her.

"But why the hell are they doing at your school?"Yuxin Jiejie ask.

"They just happen to be there I guess."I said to them and at the same time Xu Jiaqi's phone rings.

Yu Yan Jiejie got Xu Jiaqi's phone from her pocket and put it on speaker.

"Hello?"She said.

"Is Ms Xu there?"Someone ask.

"I'm sorry but Xu Jiaqi isn't available and I'm her Jiejie."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Oh I guess I can tell you."She said.

"Umm...tell what?"Yu Yan Jiejie ask.

"I'm one of the principal in US and I want to ask Ms Xu if she is interested in studying here."She said.

"Oh!I'm sorry I have to ask her when she is available because it's not my choice."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"It's ok.You know you have to think what's for the best for her you know.How about you agree first and when she's available she can said that if she's really wanted to study here or not."The principal said.

"Umm...I don't know about that."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Come on.She is the kid where's every school wants.I know that she wants to go to school here and it's ok we will pay for everything if she join here."The principal said.

"Umm...Ok then.But if she doesn't we can call you back right?"Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Yes!Of course!Just call us if she doesn't want to."The principal said in an excited tone.

"Thank you."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Oh.No need to say that we was suppose to say that."The principal said.

"Ok.Umm...Bye."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Bye thank you for accepting."The principal said as Yu Yan Jiejie hung up.

"I guess we have to tell her when she is awake."Yu Yan Jiejie said as carried Xu Jiaqi to her bedroom to get Xu Jiaqi clean and stuff.

"If there's nothing we'll be going now."Zhang Xin said as we stand up.

"Oh you don't want to stay and eat lunch with us?"Keyin Jiejie ask.

"It's ok.We were planning on going to the mall after this."Sun Rui said.

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